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the happy couple


David (aka the boyfriend) and I about to head out. i love this pic because he has the biggest goofiest grin on him. eugh, my smile looks weird.

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omg, i'm waiting for people to upload more pics so that my face isn't on the front page!

Dennis, why don't YOU upload a bf/gf pic?

EVERYONE should.

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xie xie Todd. lol travis, um thanks for the compliment ;)

and Dennis, i GUESS that picture counts.......not!

your gf has um..a nice back :)

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originally i'm from philippines but our families are in Houston. We go to UT-Austin together.

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Nice. My other half and I are from Singapore so we're not too far away. But I'm in canada now.

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Hey Babycakes i read you speak tagalog? Well that you are original from Philippines. I do too, but im not from the Philippines.

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you speak tagalog? awesome! how'd you learn? lol i actually know more mandarin and french than tagalog..which is kind of sad. lol

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