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Mantis attack!


My friend never told me his mantis was evil!

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what was your finger doing next to the mantis? was that just one bite?

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okay ill tell the story. i was round at my friends and he was taking a shower before we were going out. I asked him if i could clean his mantis tank's walls with the magnet cleaner and he said sure.Suddenly i was too vigourous and as magnetic cleaners do, the other half fell, slowly, to the bottom of the tank, so me being me, risked putting my hand in to retrieve it- his tank is almost as deep as my 45 gallon and so it was quite a struggle, then next thing i knew there was a nasty pain and a something touched my hand. Im actually scared even when my clownfish touches my hand so when a mantis shrimp attacked i was screaming lol. yeah i think it was one bite. Ive been to see my doctor because me and my friend didnt know if it was infected and the doctor said it was fine. Btw the white swelled areas only because of the sweating in my plaster i hope! hehe

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ya that white around your boo boo is from the bandaid. It happens to me whenever i leave a bandaid on too long. Moisture gets in under the bandaid and stays there because of the pad. i can tell you left yours on for more than a day LOL. anyway just leave it for a bit and it will go back to normal. let the air get to the wound, it will heal faster espically since the doc said its not infected.

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yah, i just discovered about the air to the wound thing lol. thanks for your concern btw guys, i just HAD to show this prize for my foolishness off!My plaster was on over night, so yah, it was on for a while! thanks! :)

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Nice one! I was just telling my friend TODAY that I have always heard "mantis stories" but have never seen one actually bust open a digit. I wish I had a mantis scar. They are super cool.

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no they really arent cool, its kinda put my friend off mantis shrimps actually seeing it does happen. Im sure i saw someone elses finger attacked on this site months ago? their finger looked alot more bruised? lol i think im actually gonna have nightmares about this, every time i put my hand in a tank from now on! eeeeek! :(

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Hahahaha, you are a perfect candidate to test the LionFish tank that Jennie has. Hahahaha.

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wha!? Haha i dont think so. all though i do think its dangerous for lionfish tanks at my lfs to have open tops, if a youngster was to put his or her hand in!? it keeps damn well stinging!

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...sorry to see that bro'... I had an 11 inch clown trigger once that you couldn't even think about putting your hand in the tank...although he was so big that you could at least see him coming!!! hahahahaha......I had a friend who's mantis shattered his tank, he learned... plexi or really thick glass!

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JEESH! shattered a tank, id be seriously gutted if a shrimp did that. Im lucky my bone isnt broken, i cant believe how powerful they are its scary.

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Id put him right on the grill if he tried something like that me!!! :)

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that's scary

lol. i wouldn't mind if a little clown wanted to nibble on me but i heard those things really do bite so maybe that's why you're scared of them too.


scary finger! hope it heals fast :D

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It must have been a small mantis...most that I see are around 6-8" and can take the finger clean-off.

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