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Angel Higuera

This band really changed my life. Scooter's lyrics tore deep into my soul. I am dedicated to the COLD army.

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Don't take this wrong way but, who gives a shit man, have logged on to NR all this week, each time seeing your stupid tats, just not feeling it b, If your that into tats which looks like you are, and they are cool tats, but post them on a site where people care about that crap, not here.

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Angel Higuera


To "DitchPlains"...


I only have two of my tats on here, so you must like them to see them every time you log on, plus I am a member here which allows me to put them in the member photo section. I also put them on other sites including Cold's. Some peole like my tats, so don't say "people" as if your speaking for everyone. You are not a moderator so you'll just have to keep lookin at'em. And if you still don't like it BELIEVE ME don't care. I hear thunder but I don't feel any rain.

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lol dude, was joking in my evil way...sorry came off wrong. btw nice hand tats with hold fast, very cool, Master and Commander was a great movie, I have seen it like ten times. Actually, did a little drawings for some artwork, but never really felt good enough with them to put on skin. Anyways...I got to realise sarcasm comes off sooo different in writing lol.

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Angel Higuera


the way you wrote that seemed very serious. Thanks for the compliments. You can take your drawings to any good tatoo artist and he'll modify them perfect and make them fit wherever you want them on your body. Thats is, if your serious.


"Hold Fast" is an old english sailors term (also biblical) meaning "to cling to whatever grants you safety" I chose old english as the lettering style also.


But were cool now...no beef.



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"hold fast".. is also on my family crest, leaqve ti up to you to figure out my surname

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Ditchplains you werent joking at all. you didnt even make it seem like a joke.What aload of crap. Angel i thought it was the spiderman logo! :P

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Cold is a great band. I got a Pennywise tattoo they had the same impact on me as cold did you

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