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Cultivated Reef

Toni - now a mommy


Life is indeed good.

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the guy yea with the glasses... looks like a guy i went to highschool with... i mean exactly like him...hmmmmmm

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A guy you went to school with in Vancouver? or you just there for school...anyway, my husband, Andy went to high school in Colorado.

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no a guy i went to school with in Kitimat. Im only here in Vancouver for University. Wow uncanny. they look so alike LOL what is it called.. the doppleganger theory or something where everyone has a twin in the world LOL.

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coincidence is everything. Don't see many posters from Vancouver, and when I read your comments, I was in Vancouver for the first time. I liked it!

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Congrates. Our first born is due in september. I already bought her first nano cube and I am setting it up for her now.

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lol. you bought your daughter a nanocube? i would've started with like a pico. lol

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