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octo in nano


reef octopus named octo

the only inhabantant of my 5 gallon nano

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Tank Shots

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Hehe....i think it should stay the only inhabitant or else it will chow down on any reef critter you try to introduce. Which would make it an octupus-only ocuptus named octo. hahah.

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yeah and if you are planning on keeping him in there you have to make sure you have perfect water conditions, since they are very sensative.

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hes doing fine

he likes to eat everything

and grabs on to my hand he likes to play weird games

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hes been in there for about 7 months now

doing fine feed him pro pops and fresh shrimp

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im suprised the tang/defenseless aquarium dwelling creature police havent jumped all over this


looks pretty cool, i thought i read somewhere that you can teach them tricks, they are supposed to be pretty smart

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:smile: thats Awesome!!! I take it he will need at least a 100g when he's full-grown?? Or is he a mini pus? hehe

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It may not have a very long life span.. but while they are with you they are just a blast.

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Well, I was just thinkin about those critters! I am in this Marine Bio class and I learned that when it grabs hold of you, it is actually tasting you since the taste centers are in their suction discs. Kind of a frendly octo handshake. Sounds gay but its true! Killer color. hopefully you have your tank secured. They can open latches also! Be careful. But of course you probably already knew that. Good luck

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This must be a very small octo to be in a 5 gal.nano.my local lfs had an octo for sale but you would have needed a 100 gal.tank to keep it in.They also kept it in a locked tuperware bowl inside a solid glass aquarium,suposed to be the greatest escape artist.That guy you have is very cool....

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That is awsome!!!! My wife is always asking if we can get an octopus for our 12g... but I thought they get too big??? Wont they?? I hope she doesnt walk by when im looking at this post or im on my way to LFS to look for one :) LOL Great pic.. great creature. Good luck with it!!!!

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Looks Yummy....... I would love to have my own calimari farm.... Keep us posted on how he is doing in that tank.


I am jealous........

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I had one for close to a year it was the coolest creature ever. They love crabs you can get them cheap at your local bait shop it is pretty impressive to watch. Have water handy incase it ever inks in the tank you should do an 80% water change or there is a big chance it will die. My favorite is how they change color with attitude. Enjoy

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I had one a long time ago in a 20 gallon nano, I kept it inside a small enclosed 5 gallon inside that so it couldn't escape. It inked, not sure that's why it died, but 5 min later I was scooping it out of the tank :(

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that should be fine in the tank you have as long as your rocks dont have holes in the rock where they will crawl inside and get stuck!!! especially when you cant find the octopus and your flipping rockes around can trap him trust me i have kept dozens of these guys over the years (Blue Rings)..


octopuses have a short life span you might only have 7 more months

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you ca keep some damsels in there. the octopus wont mess with them. small tanks are better because you will always have crab shells littered all over your sand bed

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