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Pod Your Reef

My 5.5 gal Nano Reef starter


I used to have a 150 gal acrylic I used the Berlin method with Fish Only. We moved and my wife had me sell it. Now she is letting me start again, a lot smaller, so I wanted to try a reef tank. I have a candy cane shrimp, a damsel, and a scooter blennie, and an assortment of frag soft corals. I am thinking about sea plants and fans and an anemone with a clown and moving the damsel to a 1 gal tank for my daughter.

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  • Hello, and nice tank. I'll tell you first off so you don't get members ticked off and yelling at you...a damsel should not be kept in a 1 gallon tank. Many people will say no saltwater reef safe fish should be kept in a tank this small because there is not much swimming space, water parameters can be very unstable due to the limited water, salinity can rise, and fall, and it is not the most practical setup. I would say that one clown could possibly go in here, but only if you had a good amount of live rock for the tank and were planning to take it out in the future. Anemones are also usually recommended for bigger tanks as they can move around and in a small tank don't have much room to grow or move around. Also if you want to keep other corals then it could sting them because of the close proximity of the two. You could probably do a single clown and a bubble tip anemone, but I would check with other people on that as I am just a newbie haha :D. I wish you luck with the tank. Hopefully you start your own thread.


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