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Coral Vue Hydros

Multi color Monti


I saw this photo in a link on one of the forums here yesterday and thought that this was a crazy cool idea! The reefer took multiple pieces of Monitipora's and glued them to a round frag plate and over time they grew together creating this multi colored Monti! When my 120 gets going this is most def want I am going to do with many different colors of montipora, maybe even some birds nest with different color branches!!! How long do you think it would actual take for it all to grow together and fuse like the pic shows?

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for a big plate i would say around a year... mine grow out at least a quarter inch to half inch a month

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I've heard of it, but I know when my monti's get close enough they start moving in opposite directions- one grows up and one grows down, they never touch. Wonder why they don't fight.

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Are there different types of Monti's that work better, or any kind should work? How would they fight? Do they have tentacles?

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They wont fight. Eventually one will overtake but in the meantime they look cool. I am making one at work right now. It going good. In about 4 months it should look pretty sweet. I'll make a pic.

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Thats awsome! post some before, durring and after pics. How far apart did you place the frags? What types/colors did you use as well?

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Very cool! Have u started it yet or have you yet to start! You should get orange to!

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They don't fight because they are both montipora capricornis. As long as the corals are the exact same type you will have pretty good luck with grafting. They have done the same thing with m digitata. It is more tricky with acropora because even when they look compatible they often aren't.

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Could this be done with birds nest coral? Making sure its the same type and glueing different color frags DIRECLTY onto the main piece to make a multi color birds nest?

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It's all worth a try. I have tried with millepora in the past, but they aren't very friendly with each other. I may try again thought, cause my tanks weren't in as good of shape then as they are now.

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Alright... How much would you all say a 5" frag of a multi colored monti would cost?

And how big would you say the one in the pic is? It looks to me that there are 3 discs put together, so in other words how big would you say each disk is?

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I will post a pic of its progress thus far. It's only a two piece and not like 10 grafted together. We just did it out of boredom at work one day a few weeks ago. The two pieces are on the same frag tile but at first they weren't touching each other. Now they are touching and starting to do their thing.

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Very nice! How much would your store or u sell one of the 3 grafted circles in the pic for? Also about how big do you think one of those 3 grafted monti circles are?

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I tried doing this once... my green monti grows WAY slower than my orange and the orange overtook it. :( good luck trying it though! Maybe someone has a more vigorous green monti colony than I do.

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