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sympodium....so damn perrty!

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Thanx guy's...There are 15 all in all, only 11 are visible in this shot.

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oooh, me wants! I'm in los angeles if you're ever thinning out the colony and looking for new home$.

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Actually this is blue/green sympoduim, hard to tell from the pic I guess.


Before I say how much this cost me, I am curious what others

around the country/world would/do pay for something similar.

I am not interested in fraging/selling any,

just curious, that's all...

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My wife snagged a 2x3 frag at RAP last year from cherry corals for $25 good find but we got a vendor to vendor deal.

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cherry corals huh?...they have some beautiful stuff.

Those Krakan acans, the #1's....wow!!!


I paid $80 for the 15 heads, don't know where that lies in as far as "deals"

but I saw it, had to have it...they are so fresh in person and the rock they

are on will give them plenty of room to grow.

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well you got a deal since it will take no time to cover that rock and if you didnt mind waiting a little longer you can cut a couple off and sell them to make it a free frag.

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The are directly under some 6watt LEDS,(8000k white/453nm blue)

...med. flow on 20 second timed intervals...

...how do you think they will fair?

I had them on the bottom (15inches) and when I moved them up top

they all just popped out and are now pretty bushy,

they even ate some of the cyclop-eeze floatin' around.

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Maybe I should split the rock NOW before it spreads too much

and that way I will have 3/4 pieces all growing out at the same time.


That might make for some better pieces down the road, what do you think?

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Dude!!! That is an awesome looking coral! What light do you you have them under? It's sick looking!!! Keep up the good work man. I'm a follower of your tank! Keep the corals and LEDs coming!

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Thanx SWC! I am a broke a_s b_stard right now, but I saw this and like a good reef addict just had to buy it! I had seen some in mags and on line before,

but never one starring me in the face! I went in for a CUC and walked out smilin'.

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If you think you may want to split them, do it now. I won a frag at our club Christmas party on Jan 3. It had 5 "pods" on a 3" rock. I put it on the sand under 72w PC bulbs and it has covered the rock and is growing down the sides in 2 months.

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I found a frag of these for $60. It's probably around 2 inches. Is the reasonable? This is a sweet coral!

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I would think so, is it solid two inches?

The rock there are on is about 3 x 5 and it's not fully covered, I'd so a little over half.

If you think it's worth it, buy it.

They are sweet dude...

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cut the small clusters off the edge.......mine has doubled and it is about 18" under a par38 20k from bootled with almost no flow it is a softy mini nem tank and I havent feed it once but the colors are insane and I know what you mean I cant take a single pic that captures the green around the edge.

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...sounds like a plan, soon I will have three decent clusters to sell.. *evil laugh....

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This makes me want to put the rest of the stuff i need on a credit card and get some of that!!!

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Wow, I can see growth in these even after just two days...

...LED's, Coral-Vite and cyclop-eeze.

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