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I added some "live sand" from the LFS (bagged, not from their system) and I noticed five of these buggers...nudibranches? good? bad? The fish pay them no mind...so, their not "food"...

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probably bad, but definitely cool. I kept one around, and it ended up eating all of my xenia.

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I would get those out of your tank. Better safe than sorry. If they are on any corals than that is usually what they eat.

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Possibly a Berghia Nudibranch maybe? aka aiptasia eating nudibranch... Looks really cool though but I'm unsure of what it is.

when in doubt flush it out... Sometimes.

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BINGO!!! thank you Loading...you are correct...Berghia Nudibranch !!!...i am doing some reading on them now...I have no aiptasia...the article said these are the number one way to get rid of aiptasia and these go for $12-$15 each and up to $30 for adults!!!

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I now know, that these were newly hatched from an egg coil that must have come in on one of the two pieces of live rock in my tank...

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uwwmatt, thanx for the lookin' out dude....that same pic is from the article I posted about Aiptasia eating nudibranches...at the very bottom.

They aren't messin' with my zoa's (what little I have) and they seem to love the glass for some reason, that is where they are always hangin' out....so very, very strange. I'm gonna keep my eye's on them for sure.

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I would never trust a hitch hiker nudi. No matter how much it looks like a Berghia.

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I also agree with everyone else, but to make sure I would separate it from all your zoa colonies and possibly add one small zoa with the nudibranchs to see if they will eat it or not.

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That is not a Berghia! Check the number of feathers on its back. Berghia have dozens tightly packed in rows. This guy has far fewer from the looks of it and they seem somewhat randomized. Berghia also fade from a greyish color to snow white when they are hungry but never go to any shade of brown. That coloration is probably from the coral it was last eating! Final food for thought: Nudis can lay better than a thousand eggs in a sitting. DO NOT GIVE THIS THING THE BENIFIT OF THE DOUBT!

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I had those too. Zoa eating nudi and NOT a berghia. Manual removal with turkey blaster and weekly zoa dipping got rid of them.

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Fwiw, it's not worth the risk of keeping this little guy vs the potential headache he might cause you. I'm sure the people here mean well to warn you. =\

Cute though.

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VERY good lookin' out everyone, much appreciate it....I caught three of them chillin' on the glass. Then I took my one Zoa colony out (one small rock) and I found a huge one(4mm)Maybe not as big as they get, but the biggest Ive seen yet.

I also flipped the rock over to see several egg spirals, after removing them with a syringe, I gave the rock a good rinse. I will definitely keep an eye out for those, 'cause I want's more Zoa's!!! Ur right Pinner reef, they have less feathers and are dark in color.

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Rude?...no one got rude here...no worries mate...as of now I have caught eight of the lil' guys...big brown ones, little yellow ones...I greatly appreciate EVERY ones help here.

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UPDATE: haven't seen any lately, I purposely stayed up into the wee-hours in the a.m. to check (using red LED) and I have seen none...

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