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this guys was eating my zoa's


I believe he just got to big for my pico and ran out of food source. One of the few that was running around in the main tank and not the fuge.

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I think they start irritating the zoa's to the point where they start dying. And that is when they start feeding on the dying zoa. Some people have seen them munch on live zoa's, I still haven't seen them munch on live zoa's but I do see them bother them.

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sometimes, when they decide to go all psycho. It really depends on how you corals are doing, if they are healthy then the amphipods will cause no harm. But when they are recovering or a part of the colony was damaged then amphipods can irritate the rest of the colony depending on the size of the amphipod by trying to clean the part that was damaged. This is my observation and reasoning, because I still have not seen one munch on a healthy coral only ones that get damaged.

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at night when we aren't watching its amazing how many come out of the rockwork on all corals


I catch it sometimes with red light use during the night, try it, reef animals can't see it and you can still watch em. what we have for night use is a single red led on a 12v wall pack extension from radioshack, a little flashlight you can make if you get bored...

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those don't usually touch coral. you sure it was eating it and not something off of it? maybe your zoa ain't doin to well.

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If you are talking about the penny: Abe gets hungry too man. Why you putting a penny in your tank?


If you are talking about the amphipod: There are hundreds of species of amphipods, most won't touch corals, they only bother them when they are dying, they don't like the stinging cells all corals have.

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Sometime I get confused thinking that my tank is a wishing well anemone fan...haha. Yea that colony was a weaker colony I bought, I just see that the larger copepods are really aggravating the polyps that have a shot at re-colonizing by running around them while trying to get to the ones that seem to be dying.

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