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Coral Vue Hydros



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wow!!!! some really nice piece of rock you have. This should create an amazing aquascaping! Hope you will post pics of it when established with coral.

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There will be plenty of pictures, HD video and all that... trying to outdo myself on this one. The tank I am upgrading into is really tall... so I am eliminating the impossibilities of making a taller tank into a reef via welding, choice rock and proper planning.



Pismo - At least act like you have a clue if you want to level up.

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eh looks like you're trying to sculpt a dragon or something. The right side rock formation looks a lot more natural.

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Fiction, you're a ####ing hater anyway so I don't really give a ####.

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Thanks jjjo :D


Reefdan - this guy who is really great at driving brought it to me last weekend. My dumb ass left it at the previous frag swap in a hurry to get precious yum yums home to tanky face. :D

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Well I'm not a fan of posers like you. Also, I'm glad you know how to handle criticism so well. Get the #### over self, you're not as special as you think.

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hahaha how the #### am I a poser? Am I taking pictures of other peoples shit and saying it's mine? Didn't you beg me for corals last year? Do you have some personal issues you need to take care of, or are you just this sour all the time? You're a ####ing band wagon hype man not doing shit for the hobby except making stupid arguments about bullshit... I mean I do the same thing, but I also do more for the hobby and the people in it than you could ever dream of attempting. Special... no, I just put more time, effort and love into reefing than the haters like you swinging on my foreskin. smh...

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Reefer413, grow some skin and research before you speaky. I'm not from wack ass reefcentral.... Nano-Reef is the bitch who bore me and if she or one of her little fairies decides to abort me fine.. they can't kill me though. ;)


Anyone who is offended by anything I say should get the #### off the internet and go sit in a safe padded room with a box of dull crayons and a used coloring book. Groupies and haters are a dime a dozen.. I love it when they show their little lemming flags with bravery though...hhahah it said back to reefcentral... cute.

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+1 on this:

"Anyone who is offended by anything I say should get the #### off the internet and go sit in a safe padded room with a box of dull crayons and a used coloring book."


That lettrock shows promise!

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if harassing people on a web site about fish tanks is what you consider brave... you need you reconsider your views on reality.

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I'm not the one who keeps coming back to your thread... Read my previous statement, or research WHO you are talking to before you act like brave with your wooden sword boy. There are leaders, and followers.... choose your side kiddo. <3

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