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Full lighting

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Love it. Are there different types of acans on this plug? or is it just the way the light is hitting each one?

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the largest polyp to the left, is one of the original heads that came into my LFS a few years ago. It has been under an array of different lighting, tank conditions, etc. Although the camera didnt pick it up well, It is still quite rainbow in the middle, and has rainbow on the edges of the polyp.


As for the smaller polyps, when they were part of the mother colony, they were a bit shaded and off to the side. Also, the younger polyps transition from bright green, to red/orange and green with white stripes as they age. During that transition, is when each polyp looks best.


My ATI blue plus shot shows their color more true to what I see with my eye.





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Thats entirely awesome, Im pretty new to reef keeping and didn't think that simply lighting and tank conditions could change the colors of the corals past bleaching them and hindering their growth.


They are beautiful corals, I wish my LFS sold acans, I don't really feel at this point like buying corals over the web.

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Its probably your tank lights being different, but these tips could help.


Use a Tripod and (I don't use a Nikon, I have a Canon) use AV setting to select the f/stop that you would like, if you have that feature. And then take the pictures by hand or set a 2-10 second timer. This further eliminates movement of the camera and thus better focus.


Another key is to decide what ISO to use. If your use a higher ISO then the picture will come out grainy So shoot for the 100-400 range but 800 will do.


I don't know if you know all of this already or not but I figured I would try to help you out.

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Camera settings:


A quickie hand held shot


Exposure Time: 1 / 20

Flash: Flash did not fire

FNumber: 5.6

Focal Length: 55


ISO Speed Ratings: 100


Saturation: Normal

White Balance: Manual white balance


I took a few college level classes on photography. Lot of little tricks are picked up, just from using the camera a lot.


Most people can't keep their hand steady enough to shoot clear shots slower than 1/60 without a tripod, or delayed shutter release. Just from lots of practice, I can hold a camera steady as low as 1/6 as a "quickie type shot". PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE is all I can say.

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^ Agreed.


I took a year of photography major specific classes and it really is all in the practice.

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Awesome stuffs. I have a sweet spot for Acan. BTW...love your tank. A prime example where less is more. So clean, elegant, and beautiful looking.

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