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why does it look rubbish?




Please may I have some advice. It doesnt look nice and neat - do i have too much rock?



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The trumpet coral and bubble coral were new I just got them today so a bit closed up, have just taken another pic and will upload it now x

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I have no idea it came with my tank, as when I bought the tank 5 months ago it had it in, they said it was coral. It came with coral and just rock. But it seems since ive added all the corals its overdosed on rock!

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I think it looks great, with plenty of potential. It depends if you prefer the open, clean look, or the traditional look. Both ways look great, you just have to work with them right.

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looks good, just needs some touching up so to speak, you need to give it your own style...


couple of things, those sun corals prefer to be partly shaded, like with a rock overhang above partially covering them, they'll come out more that way, also if you start feeding them 3x a day, they'll start expecting food all the time and the polyps will be out all day... and they'll look a lot better..


what kind of light do you have, looks like a stock 14k metal halide probably a current 14k, do you have a sunpod? try out a phoenix 14k bulb or a radium 20k, your corals will pop a lot more (glow, fluoresce, colors will be brighter and bolder making them stand out more)


it looks great to me, just maybe a bit monotone for my preferance, but i prefer an exotic, otherworldly look, so it depends what you want... actually looks like a real reef, but i know we all want something that is attention grabbing so if that's what you're going for, definitely get a light with more blue to it, those two bulbs i mentioned above are great and will achieve that effect without actinic supplementation.


get some more bright red/pink... look around for a few exotic looking chalices or zoas there are tons of them out there, and come in some pretty amazing colors... you'd be surprised how intense some of them are (some can be really pricey like $250 for a frag the size of your pinky-nail, but plenty of beautiful exotic looking corals are reasonably priced...


and yeah I would take some of the rock out, kind of re-work it so it is a little more feng shui so to speak... build some caves, overhangs bridges etc... as it is now it's a just a pile of rocks, which is pretty natural looking but it doesn't have much of a personal touch...


you have some great specimens in there, but it is a little plain in its own way... and i wouldn't have ever criticized your tank but it seems that's what you're looking for.


most importantly look at it and figure out what YOU don't like about it, look around and find some tanks you want to model yours after and ask them about their ligthing, set-up, rockwork etc.


a beautiful tank is all about lighting, good aquascaping, and good coral choice and placement IMO.


it's like decorating your house.

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that being said it is quite far from rubbish, just needs a little polish and some attention to detail

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Thanks so much for all your help! The problem with the rock is that its 3 huge pieces!!!

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you know, that rock is very brittle, you can usually break it apart with your bare hands... nothing a little chisel and hammer can't do.. just be careful!! don't want to shatter it...


but that's one great thing about coral rock, is it just breaks right apart with a little coercion.


maybe have a friend come help you...


but even rockwork aside, i think if you just manipulate the colors some, it's a bit dull blue-green throughout... get some DARK and BOLD and BRIGHT colors in there and it will pop a lot more... try to trade out some of those monster soft corals and get some nice looking LPS/SPS in there... i'd like to see a nice war coral in there personally.


and i think you have too many sun corals, just take it down to 1, pick your favorite and swap out the rest, give to a friend, sell them, whatever.

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also some really cool exotic zoas out there... sprinkle a few of those throughout.

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