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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

28 Gallon Aqua Euro Nano 2 x 36 watt, 8 LED lights

Casey Tims

Started this tank about 6 months ago. I like it alot. Right now, I have about 35 lbs of live rock, two pacific blue tangs, one yellow tang, one sailfin tang, a flower pot, a super crocea clam, star fish, two clown fish, hermit crabs.


Generally I do a 10% per week water change. I like using Red Sea Coral Pro salt - it disolves really quickly.


I am using an Aqua Euro 1/13 HP chiller, a 100 watt Jager heater, an Aqua Euro Nano Skimmer 2.

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omg and i thought i was horible for putting my flowerhorn in a 40gal breeder



that sailfin tank needs a 6ft plus tank and gets 15in long

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there are so many replies... i feel like im on facebook!



So im gonna hit the like button

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WOW !!! Whats more disgusting . the brand new tank with the overload problem and wrong species or the way the people on this sight treat other people .

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How Do you clean behind the live rock?


Do you suck your sandbed?


I think im with the rest that says theres no way thats six months old.

1. You would have to move your rock to clean behind, which in turn just stirs up nitrates, which would lead to a bloom of some sorta of algea.

2. Your rock has ZERO color.

3. You sand looks fresh with no life going on.

4. Wheres your CUC...???

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i will never feel bad flamed again. it can never be worst than whats happened here lol. my tank looked 10 times dirtier than this on day 5.

its either this guy have found a new reef keeping method or its just like what you said...

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Murjan, I am sorry you were flamed. The fact that you are still here means that you probably didn't deserve it. I would rather see a dirty tank than a clean one.

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Casey, I'm very new to this hobby (roughly 7-8 months), but I'd like to pass on some knowledge to you... The best advice I have read on this website is to be patient and do a lot of reading while you're waiting for your tank to mature. You will make mistakes (fail), but they should be less, and less costly. There is also a sense of respect you give to this hobby when you follow simple rules. Good luck and I hope you stick with the learning process.

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I'm getting sick of looking at this tank when I click on the gallery button. No, really...physically ill!

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I don't doubt for a second that the tank is 6 months old. It was bought 5 months and 3 weeks ago and he finally got around to setting it up last week.

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Dear Virgins (Nanobuds, Nanoreefnate, Formula, StevieT, Jacobnano, PoopCola)


Go #### yourselves. I like my tank.


Have fun on a friday night doing nothing other than growing algae.



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Personally, I think your tank looks bland and ugly, but hey that just me. Seriously dude, you should probably pick a new hobby, you are gonna lose a lot of money quick because of your stupidity.

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Cool. Thanks, Jacob.


I am sure the sponsors of this forum will love to know that you assholes drove a potential hobbyists away from buying any of their products. I am sure they would be very happy with the lack of moderators to stop that type of shit.


I am sure during this recession, the sponsors are not at all business starved, and would love to hear all about the teenage assholes who they fork out money to sponsor that are driving away business.


I am sure the sponsors would love to hear how you snobbish assholes treat newcomers.

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I replied 10 min ago dumb@ss. Seriously, we would help you if you weren't so annoying.

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Man this guy is JOKE! Yes your tank is clean. That's because it is 6 hrs old! I don't have my tank setup yet and I can tell this tank is brand new. The mayans couldn't have predicted a fail this epic!!

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