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28 Gallon Aqua Euro Nano 2 x 36 watt, 8 LED lights

Casey Tims

Started this tank about 6 months ago. I like it alot. Right now, I have about 35 lbs of live rock, two pacific blue tangs, one yellow tang, one sailfin tang, a flower pot, a super crocea clam, star fish, two clown fish, hermit crabs.


Generally I do a 10% per week water change. I like using Red Sea Coral Pro salt - it disolves really quickly.


I am using an Aqua Euro 1/13 HP chiller, a 100 watt Jager heater, an Aqua Euro Nano Skimmer 2.

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Burned. Welcome to Nano-Reef


Please do understand why you have received the comments that everyone has given. A healthy tank is very obvious to spot out. And just because it's clean doesn't mean it's healty... that is not a mature tank - period. You have wasted your money, those coral and livestock WILL die, and you have taken beautiful coral from a reef that others with real tanks could have supported. I would give this a final grade of "F"


Do better next time.


(I couldn't resist joining in... but seriously... welcome to NR) - And GET THAT CRAP OUT OF THAT TANK AND GIVE IT TO SOMEONE THAT CAN REALLY TAKE CARE OF IT.


Do some more research or ask questions on here then try again... and by the way.. lashing back at everyone with your immature comments... FAIL

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To the "anti-flamers" out there:


If Tim had come on here and said that the tank in question was brand new, I and the rest of us wouldn't have flamed him. We would have coached him through the process of keeping a tank, starting with the return of all of his livestock.

The fact that he claimed it had been running for 6 months is what caused him to get flamed. This tank is clearly not that old. Unless he took a UV light to the rocks, sand bed, and walls every night, there is no possible way for the tank to be that "clean". Also, 4 tangs and those corals would not have lived that long in those conditions.

His continuation of this lie just led to further flaming. This is apparently someone that either wanted to start a flame war, posted it as a joke, or is an attention addict.


So don't bash the flamers for flaming in this situation. If he was an admitted noob, and admitted that the tank was brand new, and there were people still flaming, you would have every right to bash them for stooping so low. However, this picture and its statement are open flaming territory, back off.

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"If Tim had come on here and said that the tank in question was brand new, I and the rest of us wouldn't have flamed him. We would have coached him through the process of keeping a tank, starting with the return of all of his livestock."


Not sure I believe this. I've seen too many people go straight to flaming too often on here. In any event, I never find flaming to be productive. I feel it really drags down the perceived maturity and knowledge level of this site to have people posting "FAIL"-type messages.


Just my opinion. I agree with most of the negative feedback he is receiving, just not how it is being expressed.


"However, this picture and its statement are open flaming territory, back off."

Thanks for nominating yourself as the person responsible for making such decisions.

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I think for those that have talked with me, they know that I am not one to blast out others… However, the dude set himself up for it… I actually think that this may be a joke of some sort… Calling people virgins, etc.. What can ya expect. Aside from that, if he took this same post on RC, or even a local forum and claimed it at six months, and said that all you have to do is “scrape” the back wall, people would react the same. If not worse.


I do agree that if he would of asked questions instead of taking the approach that was presented, he would be able to gain some awesome insight, just as I, and thousands of others have in the past.


I just looked at another picture at six months (another members tank) it was very clean, however had coralline over everything, (which is what is supposed to happen right?) I know mine has coralline growing. Lol.


I just hope that he upgrades or get’s rid of the tangs, and starfish… that thing has to be hungry…

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I agree with everything you are saying. I actually don't have a problem with any of your posts, I just find all the "EPIC FAIL" and tang police stuff to get a little old.


There is really no way it is a 6-mo old tank and no way that it is suited for that live stock. My tank is 8/9 months old and is COVERED in coralline algae.

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i really like how some people actually are defending this guy. this is an open forum and posting here means you should be open to any type of criticism whether it is good or bad, positive or negative.


The OP replied back to the first posts with sarcastic comments and calling people "teenage dorks." Never does he try to defend himself rather blaming everyone else for immature comments. He fails to ask questions and give answers, which makes him vulnerable to comments

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This board is mainly (not entirely) a bunch of snobbish assholes. Where do you people get off acting that way to a new hobbyist? It really is amazing what a bunch of cold, immature, pathetic and unwelcoming people some of you are.


What a bunch of assholes.


Sorry, but I like a clean looking tank. I use a lot of chemi pure and seachem denitrator. I use a protein skimmer. I use algae scrapers. I do water changes. That is the way I like the tank and YES, it is 6 months old.


I suppose to win friends here, I need to take out a tang or two or have green hair algae all over the place.

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hey, post this on RC and see what you get buddy.


PS dont ever PM me again, i didnt even read it. LULZ

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dude that type of language is not necessary calling everyone by demeaning terms is really offensive. You refuse to even consider our suggestions and blame us and when you even yourself call a new hobbyist. If your new, learn to take advice from experienced people. No one would ever advise putting one tang into a small nano like that let alone 4. This is my last post, and if that language keeps up no ones going to want to help you. Good Luck Have Fun

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lmao whats with the pms!!!!


get rid of the tangs. let the algae grow out. if you are doing things correctley then hair algae wont grow.

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Hmmm. No PM for me...


Look, buddy, you certainly aren't helping your case. I agree that people on here can have a "we are right" attitude, but generally they are. They don't express it in a good way, but they are right. If your tank is 6 mo, old, I'd love a detailed cleaning plan, because it looks spotless and gorgeous (the rocks too...).


In any event, you could stand to accept the fact that some of the things you are doing are incorrect.


Also, I saw other people ripping your "dyed" coral. I thought that was uncool for the most part, but those are hard to care for.

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Aw, I didn't get a pm. I feel left out, lmao.


The more this guy talks, the more I feel he is a second accounter with a large tank that he pulled this stuff out of for a photo op, trying to play a joke.

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well i decided to read your PM.

check out what this guy said. LMAO

#### you #######.


Your tank looks like #### and your a ####ing 15 year old loser.


Get laid loser then talk ####.

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^ lmao


I'm not a big fan of flaming either. But I gotta ask: Is the flaming justified now?

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even though you may like it that way, it's not healthy for the livestock. it may look fine now but eventually your livestock will start to decline in health.

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>>I'm not a big fan of flaming either. But I gotta ask: Is the flaming justified now?


Yeah, go nuts...guy is being a sick.


Still, I'd like to see the unhelpful flamers hold off longer in general, but now...yeah he deserves it.


PS dude, start a tank thread. I love how clean you keep it and would love details.

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"This board is mainly (not entirely) a bunch of snobbish assholes. Where do you people get off acting that way to a new hobbyist?"

You keep stating its 6 months old. Thats not so new.

"What a bunch of assholes."

There ya go!

"I use a lot of chemi pure and seachem denitrator. I use a protein skimmer. I use algae scrapers. I do water changes. That is the way I like the tank and YES, it is 6 months old."

Thats the secret no one else has done! Chemipure, denitrator, skimmer, and algae scraper! Jesus had I known that my tank would be spotless!

"I suppose to win friends here, I need to take out a tang or two or have green hair algae all over the place."

You need personal skills.


ahhh, i got it all out. ill just watch from now on and loll

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Thanks giant :D



Flame on! >:-l ----> JPEG4ZOMGROFLWTFLOLBBQTANG!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!



Whew! Glad that's over with...


Honestly dude, take those fish back, ask questions, research, and don't call us virgins kthxbye.

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GTFO of this hobby before you kill anything else. Your tank is not 6 months old and you are doing almost everything wrong. A simple google search would have told you that your clam will die, so will your goni ( do you have 3?!). Good luck trying to find help after being an a-hole to everyone. Idiot.

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I love how Giant gives the OK and everyone flames up. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.


"You need personal skills." - nice

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lol thanks for the PM. It truly made my night.


If you think that you will have hair algae if you don't have tangs clearly states you are clueless. Take some time to read on the forums a bit.

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