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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies



I bought some stuff from a fellow reefer who was breaking his tank down and the prices were right so this came home as well. It looks like acanthastrea to me, anyone have this coral? I'm wondering if it will color up in a better tank situation then the one it was in.

From the category:

LPS Corals

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its an acan echinata. it looks pretty colorful to me, i dont know how much better you want it!

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that pep is gonna start chewing on corals soon...i can just see it.



but, that acan is dope! make sure to keep the LORDS and ECHINATA's seperate, mine tried to murder eachother one night...

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nice thanks for the id. that pep shrimp i think did attack a head of frogspawn at some point, but it came back. i had just dropped that piece in the tank and there was some crap/slime on it that the shrimp wanted to eat. ive never had a problem with them before...we'll see though.

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