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Cultivated Reef

MY FIRST NANO, 8G, 19/04/09


This is my first attempt at a marine aquarium.

It is an AquaOne 380.


2 clowns

1 dottyback

2 snails



green fungi


daisy torch

candy cane


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Tank Shots

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my tank is over 5 weeks. i just have a replacement blue white bulb.


why are you saying my starfish will starve?

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I actually think mt tank is close to 10 gallon.

in australia we don't generally use gallon, only litres


Ive been getting a lot of my advice and info from my LFS who have set up a few similar tanks to mine. ive also been looking a lot at the gallery on here as to what other people have stocked similar sized tanks.


should i look at transferring to a bigger tank?

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The aquascape and everything looks nice, but I do suggest you upgrade the size or downgrade on your livestock. Tank looks clean though...

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if you are going to get the upgrade soon, i say the dottyback. they tend to get more aggressive as they age. also the starfish cuz they dont do well in tank transfers

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please read the article in the link i posted, keeping a starfish in that small of an aquarium is not the conscientious thing to do they need MUCH MUCH larger sand area and much longer established tank than yours and it takes many MANY starfish just to get one live starfish that makes it to sell in the store

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Tank looks great, i don't think it looks overstocked, but upgrading is not bad if you wanna keep expanding, i also don't think the starfish will starve, but i don't know what kind it is, but some starfish are amazing survivors, they can spend hours out of water, Ive seen one have 3 legs torn off it and still survive.

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you have a really nice looking tank but remember this only 1 fish per every 5 gallons so at the most you should only have 2 fish but more like 1..you could do the clowns with a yellow goby at the most and yes the starfish may starve to death but he give it a try and it might work but you tank does have too many fish in it just remember the 1 per 5 rule good luck and remember no dosing in such a small tank just frequent water changes with ro/di if you have a 10 gallon do 3 gallons every week

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