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Cultivated Reef

29 Bio Cube


Finally got around to decorating my cube. Just needs some living creatures now. Wanted a mix between salt and freshwater aqua scape.

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nice setup....hope to see some corals in the near future. Keep us update.

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so is it freshwater or saltwater?

I've never seen anyone use lava rock and fake plants in a saltwater...

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Could be a fish-only setup. Either way, good use of artificial ornaments and coral skeleton!

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I am not sure if lava rock is one of them but certain types of rock can't go into saltwater tanks because of the minerals the rocks are composed of. you might want to look into lava rock being safe or not. The tank does look incredibly nice but could end up hurting your tank in the future when minerals leak into the water. Just a friendly heads up!

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Thanks for the comments. It is a salt setup. I've done a little research and the lava rock and tufa rock should be fine. I was going to get some live rock and do the 'standard' setup, but I like the looks of freshwater tanks better.. yeah I know I'm in the minority. I'll end up throwing in some clowns and damsels, probably a jawfish and cleaner shrimp as well. I work at a pet store so I have access to all sorts of cool stuff at wholesale prices. And if I get sick of the way it looks, I'll just bring back the rocks and use them in our setups at the store and get something else.

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you could always just buy live rock and then put those rocks and decorations, minus the fake corals, and make a killer angel setup. i love freshwater angels. do you get a discount on fish as well or just dry goods?

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Yeah I was thinking eventually I'll put a few nice pieces of live rock in there, but for now I'm happy with it. As for the discount, I get everything and anything. The only problem with an angel setup is I don't think there's adequate space for them to swim around, the rocks right now take up a large portion of the tank and all the nooks and crannies would be too small for them to fit into.

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