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What do I hear...is that the sound of a tank crashing?


But on a serious note, you've got problems...you're tank (which it looks to be an all-in-one cube less than 30 gallons) is over stocked. The bioload of your tank is excessive and the tang will grow too large, and the other fish will become aggressive towards each other. You better change stuff quick!

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You've chosen six roommates to live in studio apartment, you've locked them in there, 20% or so of the garbage gets picked up once a week while the rest piles up in the corner, the windows don't open and some of the roomies will grow to be giants who like to run marathons and beat people up for fun -- but they're stuck in the studio. No one is going to be happy living like that. That might make it clear why the comments are so negative?


Is that a 10-15 gallon tank? One or two SMALL fish would be good in your tank. I'd keep the royal or the firefish and take everything else back. Those other fish are not suitable for a tank your size, and some, if not all, of them will die just because of the stress of it all. Do some research about fish compatability and nano husbandry. There is a ton to learn about this hobby before you start having success keeping things happy.


What lighting do you have over the clam too?


I like your feather duster. PM me if you need help...

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Why cant people just pick up a book and read it before they start a nano? Dump the fish and keep the corals. Where are those dam TANG POLICE!!!

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You have some beautiful fish there. However I am sure you know by now that there are some problems to be corrected or misunderstandings to be cleared up.


And I want to congratulate those that posted in a respectful manner and offered help.

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In addition to the comments above, if your tank is fairly new, I would suggest that you take back/sell/give away the feather duster and flame scallop, unless you are supplementing the water column. Both require mature systems because of their filter feeding requirements. Cheers.

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This is absurd. It's people like this that degrade the hobby and the ocean! This is just plain stupid, I have no real other words to describe this person's actions. Read a book, surf through the forums, and ask questions. Is it really that hard?

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Everything in the tank looks brand new, I'm sure this kid bought everything at once and dumped it in the tank. Now it's just a waiting game to see what dies first.

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Man, ease up everyone. It's obvious we're dealing with a newbie here, so instead of name-calling and flaming, why don't we try to help them understand what's wrong. Otherwise they'll just get turned off of this website and the entire tank will wither and die.


Keila, you don't suck. Your rock and the way it's 'scaped looks excellent. And it's the only thing that needs to stay in the tank for now. Everything else needs to go back to the store for a full refund (and as soon as you get your money back, smack the crap out of the @$$hole that took advantage of you). Then I suggest that you do some research while the tank is cycling. The Beginners Forums are a great place to start.


Welcome to the hobby and welcome to Nano-reef.com (if you're still speaking to us)!!!

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i agree with schaadrak everyone is so fast to just go crazy on people. everyone here was new to the hobby at some point and i know for a fact that most people here didnt do all kinds of reading or research before there first tank. it happens. we should be glad we have a place like this where we can save the fish that crappy stores sell to people with no regard for the fish or the people.


as far as your tank goes keila try to get everything out. even if the store wont give you a full refund (though they should) get what you can and save the livestock. then give your tank time. do like schaadrak said and go read the beginers forum. see what a cycle is and all the things you should be checking for. maybe even start a tank thread and get a ticker so the members car help to let you know when livestock can start to go back in. and when it does it should be much less. maybe even try to find a lfs that actually care though it is hard to do sometimes. and please dont get down on your tank your not the first, and im sure you wont be the last to make this mistake. good luck and if you have any questions send me a pm id be glad to help answer anything i can

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You know I get so tired of ignorant jerks sitting here calling people idiots like PHEALLOX. Who the heck do you think you are? Eventhough you are a more senior member, I don't see anywhere where you were given the right to call anybody an idiot.


All seriousness, you really have to cut back on the bioload, hopefully you get the tang out before it's too late, sorry man but that was a bad idea. The good thing about mistakes is that you learn from them. Don't let others on here get you down or discourage you, they just have no satisfaction in their life and want to take it out on others. Keep up on studying, if you need any help you can PM me. Peace.



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Oh, you're not degrading the hobby or the ocean, it's people like KeeperOfFishyPeace that degrades this hobby and this website, not everybody is like that on this website. Because of people like him, there will be new commers to this site that will never want to come back. Really good aquascaping by the way.

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i agree with RCHammer89 100 % in most cases when someone is interested in starting a tank it should be the job of the lfs to teach and monitor the way things are moving. imo the stores that sell these things just to make money degrade the ocean and the hobby. no one who has ever made this mistake said "let me see how many fish i can kill" its the stores that sell them livestock three days after selling them live rock that degrade the ocean and the hobby. the people on here who insist on jumping on people should take a serious step back and think of what there doing to the hobby. if you want to talk about the ocean. at some point its going to be up to the aquarist and the hobbyist to save the worlds reefs cause they are in danger. so lets teach people how to hold livestock correctly not slaughter them for mistakes.

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i dont know, RCHammer, i still think hes an idiot...AND is degrading the hobby and the ocean..most people who get into the hobby usually like the ocean and whats in it...therefore wanna learn how to do things the right way so they dont kill everything within a week...if the guy didnt care enough to read up before he started, and doesnt care if he kills everything...he shouldnt be in the hobby...but RCHammer, i gotta say for someone with 9 posts u sure have some balls

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