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Pod Your Reef

88 day old nano cube reef


Here is a photo of my Nano cube full shot as of 21:21 hours. Some algae has collected in the lower left corner of the cube, so it is hard to see the yellow polyps growing on the rock on the substrate. Yes, what you see in the cube are two Montipora Capricornis. One is green, and the other is red. On the substrate on the middle is a red Goniopora. Far in the back is a pink leather coral. ON the left of the red goni on the rock is GSP. ABove and to the left of that is a forest of pink pulsing Xenia. Behind the Xenia is a very small frag of an orange flower tree. Below the Red cap is the pink Florida Ricordia. In the back is a rose bubble tip anenome which my clown is hosting. On the top rock is my Bi-color Blenny. Also many other animals living in the tank.

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Tank Shots

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my fish, inverts, and corals are all listed on my website in the equipments page. Please come and take a look.

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