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Sorry for uploading so many FTS photos of my tank. I've been overly obsessed with it since the day I opened the BC14 box! For those who are curious, I'm running a Coralife Hang On 150W/20K HQI; an ATO system with Kalkwasser added to the freshwater reserve; 2 Fans; Extra Aqueon Hang on side filter; Supplements: PurpleUp (obviously), Reef Solution by EcoSystem, and Lugol's Iodine; I feed DT's live phytoplankton every other day; and I change 2 gallons of Reef Crystals salt water once a week; NO SKIMMER.


Lastly, the tank is just about 4.5mos old. Can anyone tell me if it's reached stability? I'm brand spankin new to the hobby. Thanks in advance.

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u should upgrade to a larger tank since you have no room anymore! lol

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I know what you mean. I'm thinking of fragging pieces as they grow, to a much larger 200 gal as soon as my budget permits. Until then, I'll just patiently watch this one (and my other 24G which isn't nearly as nice).

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you are spanking new but you're doing the right thing bro. awesome set up

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Thanks scarface. I lost more than a handful of corals along the way (and fish), but each time I learned from what I did wrong.

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pretty sweet tank to me!! i am also going skimmerless but at times i wonder if

i should be.but so far so good!!

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I tried using the Rio Nano Skimmer at one time. Left home for 3 days, came back with the skimmer running dry and its pump was damaged. Couldn't trust it after that, so I never bothered getting it repaired. Still waiting on a more reliable skimmer to come out... P.S. thanks for the nice rating

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damn, your tank is always sexy. hey, btw, when you first got your firefish was it shy? cause i just got mine 3 weeks ago, and it always hides behind rocks, and sometimes it comes out, but when i come to look at the tank, it dashes into the rocks, did yours have the same prob?

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Hey thanks LoBo. I think I remember your name from before. Anyhow, my firefish was the chickenest shit in my tank for the longest time. Until it outlasted 2 baby percula clowns, 1 nasty maroon (which I quickly exchanged), 2 gobies, and 2 cleaner shrimp. Now it's out all day long till 6pm like clockwork. Now I can stick my face up to the tank and it stares back! Just give it some time to build up some courage.

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purpleup i have the same game-plan as you right now...letting it all grow in together and frag out excess to fellow nr's or to another tank. nice work as usual.

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Beautiful tank! Oh my I think some Psych 101 is needed. Its horrible that you would air your dirty laundry on fish web site.... Must be pretty bad, for both of you. I would say that there are probably other problems at play here, not the hobby. He's found something that he enjoys and is good at. Maybe get involved with him and get the kids involved. Both my girls 5 and 8 years have a pico they are responsible for. By getting involved maybe it will pull you closer together rather than hating it and moving farther apart. Maybe it will also show him how much you support him. I am a wife and a mother too. I work a full time job as a 911 dispatcher sometimes 60 hr a week shifts and take care of the kids much myself because he is gone on business. I even work graveyard so I can work/manage the household. I have learned it is our choice to be where we are and with who we are. Make the best out of life you are only here once. All you can do is try, right?! Much happiness to you and fabulous job to your husband!

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Ha. Thanks for the encouraging comments, shrimp. My wife read your posting and decided to delete hers. You may have helped me win her interest in this hobby! I can't thank you enough.

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Excellent TANK!!!..I'm MUCH jealous! i hope mine looks as nice one day :P...P.S. great advice shrimp..you tell em girl!

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Thanks All. I recently added a few new interesting things to the tank, including MORE zoanthids, a CPR Protein Skimmer, and some rare sea shells from the Philippine Islands. I'll post an updated pic at the end of the month so I don't hog up the gallery. hehe.

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