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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

Yellow Gorgonian

reef hugger

Old picture of my 10gal

From the category:

NPS Corals

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I just bought an exact copy of this but supposedly the polyps are red. Did it take a while for them to come out? And how are you feeding it? Looks great BTW. I will try and get a pic of mine if the polyps ever show. It was put in my tank only 1 hr ago.



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reef hugger


It did take alittle while for the polyps to come out. I was feeding it Micro-vert, but I believe a phto like DT's would be better. All I have left is about 1" of a branch :(

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damn, thanks for the heads up. I guess I will really keep up with the target feeds. It is right with my suncoral so it is easy to do both at once. I am concerned as it doesn't sem to take much in. I will baste it with cyclpeeze and keep my fingers crossed.





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