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six fish in 2.5


This is my 2.5 reef with six fish in it, been stable for over a year. bluestripe pipe, green banded goby, high fin barred, neon cleaner, two aviata sp.

Also has 3 stars, 1 cucumber, two shrimp, and an anenome(plus limpits, snails, stomatellas, and chitons)I really hate to tell you how I mantain this because I dont want to suggest that this is something everyone should try. It is so packed with corals that they consume most of the waste, look at the anemone in the middle. That is a coldwater anemone from Malibu CA, he consumes much waste and I also use a sea cucumber in there. I have a colerpa that I trim on a reg because it gets so much nitrate, but it converts it. My perameters are great, but I doo big waterchanges with real ocean water from the sea. I should say that this isnt the right thing for all new reefers to start trying but this is just a hobby, you dont often learn new things without some failures along the way, just try not to kill a bunch of animals along the way! this has been stable for over a year. you can see the colerpa an cuc in this shot.

I just use two red sea nano filters that I never clean with no carbon. 20 watt coralife screw-in 50/50, ugly stealth heater, I'll be adding a chiller soon, that will give me a little more capacity as well. Sometime when I think of it I toss in a sealab #25 block, those are good for trace elements but the water changes do that. Mostly the block helps stabalize PH, important in a small tank

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Yes, he/she is great. The green banded goby though is really cool. You can see it on the sand to the left of the highfin. That litle sucker gets really mad if he doesnt get fed on time. It seems very pattern oriented and likes to be fed at the same time every day, real fussy little guy!

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I really hate to tell you how I mantain this because I dont want to suggest that this is something everyone should try. It is so packed with corals that they consume most of the waste, look at the anemone in the middle. That is a coldwater anemone from Malibu CA, he consumes much waste and I also use a sea cucumber in there. I have a colerpa that I trim on a reg because it gets so much nitrate, but it converts it. My perameters are great, but I doo big waterchanges with real ocean water from the sea. I should say that this isnt the right thing for all new reefers to start trying but this is just a hobby, you dont often learn new things without some failures along the way, just try not to kill a bunch of animals along the way! this has been stable for over a year. you can see the colerpa an cuc in this shot.

I just use two red sea nano filters that I never clean with no carbon. 20 watt coralife screw-in 50/50, ugly stealth heater, I'll be adding a chiller soon, that will give me a little more capacity as well. Sometime when I think of it I toss in a sealab #25 block, those are good for trace elements but the water changes do that. Mostly the block helps stabalize PH, important in a small tank

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