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my two new clowns


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Well the orange clown is a misbar clown...I don't know if it matters. They are both tank raised. I got them both yesterday and they came home in the same bag. There has been absolutely no aggression between them so far (my fingers are crossed). They just swim around with each other. The tank is a 24 gallon nanocube ( no modifications ). My other livestock includes a six line wrasse, about 10 scarlets hermits, and various snails. Thanks for the comments.

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I love ur rock but I dont like the white branching piece it sticks out with the color change I'd try to switch it out with diffrent rocks

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Yeah I agree, I like the look of the branching rock though, just not the color. My project that I am working on is to get different color zoos to grow all over it. We'll see how it works out.

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