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Cultivated Reef

Royal Gramma in the ViaAqua-10


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Omg I love those blue purple mushrooms! I bought some like that a while back but slowly they have shrunk down and many have them completely detached from the rock! Do you have any advice? How did yours get so big? did you buy them like that!??? they look so nice... Well anyways great job! Megs

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thank you for the compliments! i think mine started to really grow when i started putting them close together. i think it makes them fight for the light. i pinned them to the rock using plastic toothpicks stuck into tiny holes i drilled. in some of the gallery pix you can see the toothpix and one where i use netting. my first guess is that flow issues (water movement) is what is causing your shrooms to react and detach. mine do that too sometimes. other things i do that i think helps my shrooms grow is.....phytoplankton (i noticed that everything started getting bigger when i bought sun polyps which need to be fed every day). i turn off the filter and squirt less than a tspoon at the polyps and i think the shrooms expand to catch the leftovers. i also have one day every 2 weeks when i keep the lights out the whole day....the day after everything in the tank expands all huge to make up for lost light feeding. i also use real ocean water which has really improved the health of my corals and fish and helped me be much much more diligent about water changes...especially since working with specific gravity isn't such a pain.


good luck...again thanks for the compliments and let me know how your shrooms turn out.... ;-)

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