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Dead candy shrimp and hermit, Anemone for clown


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All levels are 0 ppm and I found a dead red legged hermit and scarlet shrimp. Also want a reef "safe" anemone for a small gold bar maroone clown I got. Any suggestions?

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what kind of test kit are you using?


Was there or is there any sort of copper in your tank?


How long has your tank been set up?

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"Saltwater Master" from Aquarium Pharmaceuticals. I cycled the tank with 20lbs of tonga LR and 5 Fiji. Also a 20 lb bag of "live sand" Tank is only like a month and half old. Tank cycled really fast. I change the sponge in the back every week, 70 watt MH is on 9 hours a day and I have 2 mh900's one for the sump and one for flow. Everything else seems fine. I think they maybe starved. The astrea snails really do a great job of cleaning. The 2 emearld crabs are doing fine as well. The new Maroone clown is 1.5 days old.

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not sure why the deaths.

on the anemone front...wait.

THink about it.

Think what else you want in there.

I'm on my first anemone. It's trying.

And 'reef safe' anemone is sort of like 'reef safe' crab.

They're both reef safe.

But are they tank safe.

Depends on the anemone and what else is in the tank.

good luck.

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not sure why the deaths.

on the anemone front...wait.

THink about it.

Think what else you want in there.

I'm on my first anemone. It's trying.

And 'reef safe' anemone is sort of like 'reef safe' crab.

They're both reef safe.

But are they tank safe.

Depends on the anemone and what else is in the tank.

good luck.


nicely put.

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IMO you should wait awhile before introducing an anemone. They tend to do better in mature tanks. That being said you might want to consider a bubble tip anemone. They are pretty hardy, can reproduce in your tank and maroon clowns love em. I have had maroons that refused to host in a Sebae, a Haddoni but paired up with the BTA's within 15 minutes.

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IMO you should wait awhile before introducing an anemone. They tend to do better in mature tanks. That being said you might want to consider a bubble tip anemone. They are pretty hardy, can reproduce in your tank and maroon clowns love em. I have had maroons that refused to host in a Sebae, a Haddoni but paired up with the BTA's within 15 minutes.

Was thinking of a carpet my self. I just wanted to give this poor guy a place to call home instead of the back corner of rocks. He'll come out for a litle bit then its right back to swimming behind the rocks. I really think the crabs starved. I tried feeding the clown flakes and he does not know how to eat them floating and is not sure what to make of them when they float down. He nibbled a bit so I guess he will be ok. My shrimp thou DAMN! they swam upside down on the top to grab the flakes! They must have been really hungry!

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