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to frag zoas?


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i have a group of zoas that i want in my 2.5g but the rock that theyre on is too big so im thinking of "fragging" them. i read and just want to make sure this is true. i should use an xacto knife to cut through the zoa mat and a dremel or chisel to cut off the rock. or can i just peel the zoas off the rock? i then super glue them with normal superglue to a rock? put them in a low flow part of the tank till they are well stuck and then put them wherever. i hope thats good.


i hear zoas are toxic. where should i do this and what should i where?


while cutting the zoas with the knife i keep them out of the water or do i do it in the water? how long can they be out of the water?


i heard when applying glue to the frag, dip them in the aquarium water after putting glue on the frag and then stick it to the rock. this will dry quicker.


and the glue is suppose to dry in the water or out of the water?


i still need to read a lot more but i want to do this before saturday. any tips or good sites? thanx for the help.

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You have pretty much got everything. It would be alot easier and less time consuming if you just took a chisel and hammer and broke a piece of the rock off. I used super glue gel.


I wore gloves and glasses when I fragged. After the glue sets for a couple of seconds put it in the water.





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ok thanx for the help. ill look for that glue in the stores. you think homedepot will have it? or lowes? or walmart? any where?

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mahi mahi boy

I've never used this glue, for anything, including fragging. I saw this was a favorite and it was in my notes for future fragging techniques. There's another brand that a lot people use here, a guy was selling it in the classies.


But I have use this brand for model airplanes and loctite is my favorite brand by far. :lol:


I just scored a 20-long that will soon be my zoa trophy hall. B)

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yeah they have that pretty much everywhere

just used a super glue gel with cyanoacrylate

as for fragging i also found it easier to use chisel (screwdriver) and hammer

i tried the dremel but it kicked up alot of dust onto me and didnt like the smell much either

so for small frags id go with hammer

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i would frag the rock, then cut between the polyps. glue the extra in a small amount. the glue SG will harden under water. Use your saltwater, continue dipping until you quit smelling the super glue!!! its done @ that point. zoas are toxic, they WILL kill a dog/cat if drip off is licked off or what not.

good luck.

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i would frag the rock, then cut between the polyps. glue the extra in a small amount. the glue SG will harden under water. Use your saltwater, continue dipping until you quit smelling the super glue!!! its done @ that point. zoas are toxic, they WILL kill a dog/cat if drip off is licked off or what not.

good luck.


Not to highjack this thread but....


:welcome: to nano-reef.com largenano!!!

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isn't cyanoacrylate toxic to the corals and fish?

Just wondering as I need to glue some rocks and frag some corals myself. I was told to use Reef Glue only but then again my LFS wants the sale.






Not to highjack this thread but....


:welcome: to nano-reef.com largenano!!!

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no cyanoacrylate isnt toxic. different types of superglue with cyanoacrylate are even used to glue cuts on humans closed.

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