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Cultivated Reef

PICS! 10 gallon nano and 180 gallon shark tank!


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10 gallon reef:







Tank info

DOB: Feb '02


Filtration: 12 pounds of lr, millenium 2000 power filter


Lighting: 2x36 watt PC, one 10k, one actinic


Corals/inverts: Various mushrooms and polyps, lots of unknown "hitchhikers"/ 2 blue legs, one scarlet, one emerald, one coral banded shrimp, choc chip star, snails


Fish: sabea clown, purple firefish


Misc: green sea furn


What corals would you recommend I add? I was thinking maybe a Torch and/or Colt. Sound good?



180 gallon shark tank:







Tank info

I'll post it if any ones interested.

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Looks good.  I like the macro aglae(?)  

Did you put it in to take nutreints away from film and hair algae?  If so, has it worked?  Do you notice a difference in the amount of algae on the glass after adding the macro algae?


I would add the torch over the colt coral.  I think the torch coral has a much higher coolness factor.  Plus, your clown might like the torch.


(Edited by Korbin at 9:24 pm on May 15, 2002)

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Its only been in since saturday and I haven't noticed any differencenes. The only hair algae I have in the tank is this little (about the size of a quarter) patch that never seems to grow so I guess something must be stopping it.


I chave a question. What are those hard green shiney bubbles growing on my lr? I popped one with a knife and some kind of fluid came out. If you look at the clown pic you can see some of it.

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thatsbubble algae. unfortunat;y when you popped it you hay have let spores out. emerald crabs will eat them.

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The bubbles are valonia algae.  I'd recommend taking the rock they're on out of the tank and removing them with tweezers.  You dont' want to pop them because that releases spores into the tank, causing it to spread.  


Here's a picture

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Anyone else see that he listed a choclate chip starfish under his inverts for his 10 gal reef? Those aren't reef safe and can eat all your corals if it feels like it...


And yes, thats buble algae...I suggest that you get some macro-algae so that it is basically starved. Macro-algae is very pretty too if you get a good type of it. Emeralds can start to get mean and aggresive towarfds other inverts just as all other crabs can. They will also start to munch on any coraline you may have in the tank when algae is gone.

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emerald crabs suck.  especially in a nano.  way too destructive.  and choco chip stars aren't to be trusted either.  i had to put mine in my 10g with the urchin.  maybe try the tweezer idea for the bubble algae, but don't pop them. jmo


(Edited by byrself at 7:31 pm on May 25, 2002)

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im gettn a seabay clown i heard they get big i guess when he gets to big ill put him in my dads forty

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  • 2 weeks later...

do your sharks exhibit any interesting behavior?  just wondering, because i like sharks but i don't know if i could justify dedicating a massive tank to them...  every time i've seen them in stores they just seem to kind of hover in one spot.


(Edited by flaunt at 2:33 pm on June 4, 2002)

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I find them very interesting(which is why I have a tank dedicated to them). They're alway "walking" on there fins looking for food(even after they've eaten). I keep two choc chip stars and 6 snails with them and they try to eat them all the time. It very cool. One time the smaller shark bite one of the stars and statred threshing around trying to break off a peiceand eat it(with no success) and I often see them trying to eat the snails too. I used to keep some damsels with them but those are all gone now. The sharks hunted them down and killed them(they were to big to be eaten). They're my favorite fish.

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