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what is an awsome sandbed cleaner?


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It does sound like cyano. What's your test kit saying about nitrate levels?


A pistol shrimp will excavate the entire tank for you. Mine has caves and holes all over the place, and he re-decorates constantly.

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Get some crabs/snails to move the sand around a bit...also sounds like you don't have enuf flow( water circulation) in the tank. How big is the tank....how many power heads do you have ...pushing how much water....direct a power head at the spots where the algae is building up. maybe you have some dead spots

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whats cyano? i'll have to doulbe check my levels tonight, its a ten gallon cube with a 250gph canister and a seio m620 powerhead, the sand is light so i cant really blow flow at it, im just using a thin layer of sand

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cyno is a bacteria thats red brownish color and is stringy i have nass snail mexican turbo skunk cleaner astrea and nothing touched it. i had to suck iy up with a turkey baster the best i could thrn dose with chemi clean.now theres no more left

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Cerith snails eat algae off sand.

Queen Conches eat algae off sand

Nessarius snails to not eat algae of sand, but they do stir the sand a bit when they burrow.

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