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Cultivated Reef

New 15 gallon


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So what do you think? This is my first nano, thanks for all the help guys. Keep the comments and suggestions coming.  I have a rio 50 and the Eclipse 1 hood for water movement.Do you think i need more circulation? P.S. Thats my dog "carlo" , he wanted to be in the picture.nano%20reef&%20carlo.jpg

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i would add more circulation. what are the lighting specs? nice clean tank though. it is definately looking good.

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nice tank and setup. I would be a little concerned about the hood. I would think about ditching the hood cause it does not really any gas exchange and it keeps the tank hot. oh yeah why does your dalmation look so sad? lol

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The lights are CSL 32 watt PC, the tank actually runs a little on the cold side. I should get a heater. The dogs not sad... he is serious.

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ooh okay. How long have u had this setup? Are you planning on keeping a lot of corals or different types or just fish?

I guess "carlo" is the guardian of the tank now.

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What other types of corals would do well ?? I already have a brain coral, polyps, xenia, shroom, caulastrea. They are doing very well. What do you think about a hammer head(Euphyllia ancora)??

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Lookin good.  As mentioned in another post more circulation would be beneficial.  In my 10g nano I have 3 small hagen powerheads going.

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No heater?  Thats crazzzzzy talk.  


If it weren't for my heater, my tank would be dead by now.  Then again, I live in Michigan, where it was 85 last week and yesterday was a high of 60.

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The tank has been running for almost a month, there are 4 hermits and 3 snails. I am going to get a heater today, what is a good temp to keep the tank at? It stays at around 75 degrees now. Will a higher temp mean algae growth ??

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My Alife 7

75 degrees?? That means it probably drops below that at night.... which isn't good... it's better to have the temp. of the tank higher. The lowest I've seen 78 deg., highest I've seen is around 84... I keep mine at 80.8 degrees.

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Thanks for the advice on the temp. To answer SBGRAD24 's question, I used water from my well established 75 gallon tank to start the nano. that is why I went ahead and put corals in so soon.

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