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shrimp compatabilty


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seeing as its impossible to get a mantis shrimp in england and i dont want my pico to go too waste, would camel shrimps and sexy shrimps mix ok, i was thinking of setting up a aquarium for the the shrimps and things i love but arent suited to my reef

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Sexy shrimp-Size: 1/4 inch

Care Level: Easy

Temperament: Peaceful

Reef Safe: Yes

Diet: Brine, Plankton, Flake

Origin: Indian Ocean

Acclimation Time: 2+ hours



Camelback shrimp-Size: 1-2 inches

Care Level: Easy

Temperament: Peaceful

Reef Safe: Monitor with Polyps

Diet: Flake, Pellet, Meaty

Origin: Indian Ocean

Acclimation Time: 1+ Hours



So yes they are compatible

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No, they arnt compatible, camels are viscous, and mine killed my clown when he was sleeping. I wouldnt mix them. Maybe skunk cleaners and sexies, or peppermints also.

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well i got a cleaner and a pep in my nano tank so its gonna be a desicion betwen candys shrimp or sexy shrimps? what goes well with A) candy shrimps and B) sexy shrimp because i would like one or the other please thank you :D

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