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keeping yellow tang


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Arpa - glad tang is doing better but forewarning. If the spots are gone it is highly likely that it will return unless you have let tank go fallow (fishless) for 4-6 weeks. the Ich parasite has a free swimming stage and a stage where it attaches to the host (fish) these cycle up and down and part of the theory behind raigin the tank temperature is to speed up the lifespan. In a barebottom tank you can keep siphoning off water from the bottom and hoping to get most of the stomites or some report good luck with a diatom filter. The absolute BEST method IMO for eliminating ICH is to move the fish to a hospital tank and let main tank go fallow for a month or more to make sure all parasites have died from lack of a suitable host.

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I will give you credit for the fact that you did come here for help. And that does show that you care about your tang. I know you are possitive you are going to have a big new tank in your house in just 6 short months, but PLEASE look at my first post, you are not phsychic, you do not KNOW you will have this tank. Aquariums take alot of time and money, and you don't KNOW everything that will happen in the next 6 months. You could lose your job, or move or whatever-who-cares. The simple fact is, that fish is too small for that tank. You came here for advice and you got it, in droves, and what was the number one suggestion? Yet somehow you refuse too listen. I applaud you for worrying about ich, temp, salinity, etc....but you are dillusional, and are not addressing the real issue! I really do believe it or not, welcome you to the community and want nothing for the best for you and your aquarium. I don't want you to be hessitant to come here for advice because there is no better place, you should see some of my first questions, sh*t you should see some of them now. The only reason you are getting flamed is because you are ignoring the fundemantal answer. Tangs may be hard to get in New Delhi, I don't know. If you go to your lfs, why not see if you can trade it in and get a free one in 6 months? Do you get it? Do you see why you are acting selfishly right now? There is a difference between surviving and thriving, and until that new tank is sitting in your living room, you don't have one. Please trade in your fish sir, it is the best advice you have gotten, just because the ich is gone and it swims doesn't mean your on the right track. The people here are more thatn happy to help you with any questions you have in the future, I've been flamed by people (which I deserved) And when I made the responsible decision, they were my best friends when I posted my next question. By the way, I wouldn't advise challenging the people here for a Batlle of wits, they are brutal and they take no prisoners. That being said, I do welcome you and if you have any other questions please feel free to ask, I will do my best.

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You see? If you would of said that you rescued him from a LFS that had him in a 5 gal, the response would of been different. My advice is this- Is there another LFS that you could bring him too? If not, do you know someone with a large tank you could maybe sell him to, and then use that money to get your own in 6 months? You may be able to find groups in your area that could help. I find that most volunteers at aquariums have their own tanks, maybe you could post something there? Or the University? Online? There must be some sort of reef group in New Delhi considering it's size. I'll check the net and see if I can find something.

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hi zizmans and all,


the fact is that in NEW DELHI, i am the only reefer that i have seen till now and there is a new LFS opened wich had a FEW marine fish. being aware of the fact that it would die soon due to numerous amount of reasons, i took the tang to its rescue.


i do appreciate your concern for the fish first and them for the person. but one must not say things if they dont know the exact thing.


there is no reef club here in india, in the north i am the only reefer and discus breeder, no voulenteers etc and for more i have to get the stuff shipped to me from singapore which will cost me 5 times the price you pay in US or UK. i can afford it thats why i have kept such an expensive hobby.


i already have a 180 gallon reef, but i have just limited it to the corals and inverts. and donot intend to introduce anything new in it for the reason of introducing parasites.


i know that people have been helping me out here many a times, but be a bit sensible. listen, know the whole thing and then react to things.


i do understand that the tank is small, but a marine tank layout is different from a FW tank and thus if i want to add a trickle fiter or a refugium at the back of the tank i have to sit on ther persons head and get that done. what do you think about this. if you ever have a chance to visit INDIA, there is not a beautiful place like it in the world, but at the same time there are other stuff that are not developed here. you are most welcome to stay with me. although there are many reefers on this board who are indians, and they do understand what i am saying.


as for the isolating the fish tank for a month, will do that as fast a possible. now as for a situation here, i have hopsital tanks for discus fish. i can make one of them for the marine, but would you advise that i keep the tang in a smaller tank ??? will get hold of a 20 gallon tank soon serving as a hospital.


thanx for the help again all here.



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I'm starting to regret getting all sweet and cuddly. You are the one who posted the question. Are we pet phsychics? You have a 180 gal? If your tang is in your small tank because of a concern over parasites, doesn't that make it the hospital tank? You said you are getting a bigger tank in 6 months? You already have a bigger tank. You're getting a 20 gal hospital soon? What the F* are you talking about? Why, if you are so concerned about parasites, would you put him in with your Maldives clown? You are either a liar, or a moron. You say that you have the money to have such an expensive hobby? Then why is it going to take you 6 months to get a new tank? It would take me that long, but of course I wouldn't have gotten the fish first. Do you know how screwed you are if the people who could really help you read your responses? What the hell is in your 180? I admit I'm a reeftard, and as the king...no God of reeftards, I should bow to you, I won't...The funny thing is this isn't the only thread you've put up for the SAME question, you just re-worded it. And the really crazy part is, you got the same advice.

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Oh, and by the way you selfish f-face. The reason you couldn't find any help for Yellow Tangs by doing a search, is because no one here would shove one into a nano. Why don't you go by www.reef-central.com and let them know your situation. For some reason, I think they will have the same advice as most of the people here.

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I just noticed my mistake in my first post. By too small, I meant too large (eventualy, and obviously, you know what I meant). It doesn't change though, how much of a f**k-face you are. Do you know how many people tried to help you?

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You have a 180g and you are keeping the tang in a small tank? You are a moron. If you didn't have a bigger tank then a couple of months in a 20g would be "ok". Move the fish dumnba**!

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I say......


A, you must be rich.

B, you can still be ignorant and intelegent.

C, you can read and write.

D, read and lurk more, write less; you will go far.


MY ADVICE, $$$ does NOT = power when it comes to reefing.





The Sultan of Salt

Dave ESPI.


PS my harem SIG.


EDIT: and mention of a population statistic is NOT racists, its a fact.

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Because she's defender of the tang... she liked my tang.. it grew quite large, and she couldn't help but... erm... nevermind.. I digress

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