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Cultivated Reef

keeping yellow tang


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Stress. I break out in pimples when I stress or when I don't bathe for a few days. Maybe your tang's stressing because he's all rev'd up w/ no where to move and thus he's getting spotty at you.


BTW, how the heck can you ID those spots w/ a magnifying glass. ??? PLEASE OH PLEASE have someone take a picture of you looking at your tank with a magnifying glass.

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so whats the solution to it ???


will it settle down or do i have to treat him ???


thanx for your comments "spotty at you".


surely someone can take a pick........ do u mind taking one ???


thanx for the reply anyways.


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I really dont think this guy has got the concept of a message board down, look at the times he posted and like an hour later was expecting a reply saying "I guess nobody wants to help my icky fish." Dude this is not instant chat, ...its a message board.


Ask and you shall receive,... I flew to India and have this exclusive pic.

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I've stayed out of this debacle till now.


yer seriously drooling.


you need to leave the damn tang alone and let it acclimate on its own.

by force feeding it chances are you can kill it by giving it a gas embolizim, salinitydifferential stress, hypo resalination issues, and a host of other things that stress them out. STRESS ICH is a major issue with tangs. I think you need to SLOW DOWN and READ more, REEF less.


Fair warning from FN'GEEKS ;)


dont make us hurt U. :D

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do u think i am hurt ???


anyways thanx for the replies......


anyone coming down to india, please take me to this place and even i want this fish !!!!



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I wasn't expecting that little gem of photoshoppery there. Made me spray coke out my nose.



arjanip - Tangs are shy fish, my advice is leave him be for a while. If he's hungry he'll eat - all the attention can stress him out and make him worse.

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hi technoshaman,

thanx for the reply.......... it contains some information and thats what we are here for.


the tang has been eating since day one. the disease has seem to subsided 10% of what it was yesterday. (or it has not grown).


but it is scratching his lower belly now....... probably it has eaten too much ??? what do you all say.



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I have been ignoring this post too...just hoping it would go away, but it wouldn't so I read.


Tell me...why hasn't anyone mentioned that 24 C is WAY WAY too low a temp (that is 75 F for the celcius challenged). Low temps are often stressors that contribute to ich out-breaks.


Arpanlib, raise the temp to 26-27 C. It also wouldn't hurt to raise the SG up to around 1.025 (34-35 ppt) either.

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hi steve,


thanx for the reply......... great first hand info there i must say........


will follow your advise and get the temp. upto 26 within 4 days.

will get the SG to 1.024 in a couple of days ( 6 - 7 days. )


thanx for the info and i shall keep you informed if any progress.


yes...... the disease has not worsened, it is going away......... the tang is eating well and is digesting the food also.


thanx a ton again.



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I agree with the temperature increase but disagree with the salinity increase. The salinity increase would make whatever coral you are housing happy but not the fish, 1.025 would be pushing it and would stress the fish more, especially if it was done quickly. With the temp increase, you do not have to take your time, crank it up now, a few degree change over an hours time will not effect the fish.


You have got to get this fish happy and stress free quickly. It may appear that the ick is gone but all that has happened is the fish has scraped them off or they felt it was time to jump off. The ick will land in your substrate, multiply ten fold and then swim back into the water column in search of a stressed fish to host them, only this time it will be 10 times as many little white dots. If the fish is not stressed and has a good slime coat going, it will resist these little bastards and they will soon perish. The ick are sometimes like moths to a flame so if you notice the fish is regaining its white spots, turn off the light in the tank, it will mess up their tendency to swim upward toward the light and run into the fish. Also, the increase in temperature will shorten the lifespan as well as a lower specific gravity so get the temp up now, you may even think of lowering the salinity if you see the ick return and remember the light trick.


Honestly, you shouldn't even really have that fish in there to begin with but to each his own.

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I really fail to see the reasoning on dealing with this reeftard like this, I mean you people are much better than I am cause I would like to just pop right now.


So I will be calm and just point out a few things...



PERIOD. Man what are you smoking? Do you just not get it

or you just dont care?


#2 - Do you honestly think your stupid problems are such a huge

concern to everyone else? I mean that is why this board is

here, to help. But come on man this is a thing called the

internet - you have NO RIGHTS, so civil, religious, nodda! So

feeling that someone should answer you NOW is not a right

it is a blessing in your case.


#3 - There is a new thing I saw on TV called a "Search Engine" I

am not sure what it does really, and I know they are very

expensive, but I hear they can look stuff up and actually tell

you the answer to questions from info already on the net.

Maybe you should invest in one before causing my irratable

bowel syndrome to kick in. Also, I am not sure but maybe

Chris coudl tell you, (I am too afraid to try it myself) but there

is a freaking FLASHING button that reads "Search" above

I think it is Chris' experiment with one of these "Search

Engines" I told you about.


#3 - I know you cant help it but I am gonna say it... Your posts

make no understandy goodish.


#4 - The sound of your voice in my head as I read your posts

is REALLY annoying - Cure: SHUT UP!

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hey dave, you've been messing around with the raelions or something? nickel reminds me suspiciously like someone we all know. : hmmm.



you obviously didn't get the 'kinder and gentler' memo that was passed around did you? you lucky bastage! ;)

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I'd like some references for natural sea water salt concentrations stressing oceanic fishes please....especially those that live on reefs that often have slightly higher concentrations.

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ok spj then do a search and post the findings if you want to disagree, do you think someone is going to do the work for you to disprove themself?


I dont mean that in a bad way I am just saying.

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All I know is that I got ripped a new a-hole for wanting to put a pygmy angel in my 7. I know you are getting a new tank, but things happen. You could lose your job. Go bankrupt. Move. My advice is to trade that tang in for some credit. It seems to me that the people who have given me the best advice for my questions are the same people who flamed you or told you the tank is to small. So if you don't want to take thier suggestions I advise you call India U. and ask a marine biologist what heshe thinks. If you like this type of fish so much you should want the best home for it. You are being selfish.

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P.S. As you live in country with almost a billion people. You of all people should know that being over-crowded feels like. Except when you are visiting your harem, then I suppose it's a good thing. So either stock you tank with tang *whores or trade that fish in.

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Keng Yew, Leong

That remark is f**king racist.But not my problem though.We shouldnt just flame that guy.I dont pity that guy.I pity the tang.For the tangs' sake,teach that dude to keep it happy.Poor tang.

By the way, tangs are NOT whores,it is difficult or impossible to get them to have sex in wierd places.eg. aquariums.

Nickel I love that pic,I wished I knew how to use photoshop to do that kind of stuff.

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Are you serious? Do you really believe qouting a country's population is racist? And as far as harems go, I want one! I will admit that my comment about chick tangs being *whores was WAY out of line. So, I would like to apologize to all tangs of the female gender out there, and let them know that I respect them and they are capable of achieving anything the males of their species can. I know I'm just a Gai Jing and all, but my comment about India's population problem was made so this guy would GET THE POINT which he obviously was not. You should be the one who watches what they post, terms like Racist shouldn't be made lightly. I've really learned from some of your posts, so I will say this. Please re-read my first 2 posts. My concern is for the tang, that's why I give this guy no sympathy.


Actually after re-reading YOUR post, I see you were probably joking as well. Saying my post was racist and nickels was funny (which it was, Incredibly fuuny, and not racist, this guy signed up for double-barrels) in which case LOLOLOLOLOLOL


If you ARE serious, then all the first stuff

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you dont make any sense to me........... go read the whole post from the starting........




if you wanted to SHUT UP the why the hell did you pop in here ???


as for searching the forum, i searched it and found no solution to it......... obviously i had to post a new topic........


hope this settles your mental ability to pacify yourself.







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if you all want me to enter into a fight,


i am sure you all will feel disgusted.


lets leave it ....................


ofcourse i am concerned about the tang, thats why i am taking pains to get it fron a LFS where it was in a 5 gallon and getting it a bigger tank and taking proper care for it.



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