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keeping yellow tang


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to my luck i have found a yellow tang in india.


it is 1.5 inches and i have got him home. i have added him to the 20 gallon tank with the maldives clown.


he seems to be moving around in one corner only and he is not eating the ocean nutrition algae that is in the tank.


the colour and body seem to be fine, but the stomach seems to have sunken in.


please advise as to what is to be done to make him eat.


thanx for the help.



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it ate some marine algae from OCEAN NUTRITION .......... its the SEAWEED SELECTS.


it ate that after half an hour from going in the tank. then it stopped eating from the clipper, but was eating all that was breaking free from the clipper.


i mean it was 1st eating like mad for 1 hours and was very active, then it suddenly lost interest in the algae and started hiding around.


please advise as to what is to be done.


thanx for the help.



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Just give it time. Tangs are weirdos, IME. My yellow hid for about 2 days before coming out into the open water of the tank and even then he was skittish. He might just be finding things to eat where he is hiding even. And despite the reputation they arent completely herbivorious. Try giving him some brine shrimp or other meaty food. Mine also loves flakes.

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thanx for the reply.


tried giving him some flakes but i think that does need time to settle in.


one more question is that, do all the yellow tangs have a sunken in stomach or only my fish has it ??? by when will its stomach look like blaoted ???


also let me know if they eat after the lights go off........... i mean, do i leave the greens in the tank at night also or not ????


thanx for the continuous help.



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arpanlib, there are many people here to help you, you have to give people some time.. a majority of people here are in the middle of their work day.. and may post sporatically... be patient...


If I had more experience with Tangs, I'd surely help, but the best I can do is recommend you do some research in the meantime. Use Google to find the feeding habits and tank requirements of Yellow Tangs. You can also use the search button at the top of this page. Type in "Yellow Tang" and see what pops up.

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A yellow tang shouldn't be kept in a 20. Period. If you can't provide the proper housing for one, get rid of it. I am sure someone else that has a proper sized aquarium would be happy to house a tang.

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you can try pm'ing hubu here on the boards. i believe he has a tang in a 15H or 20H. he should be able to give you firsthand accounts and 'tricks/advice' on keeping tangs in such a small environment.


just like a nano-reefs in general, keeping a tang in a nano may not be the mainstream but i think it could be done (based on what hubu and some others say). i'm not totally convinced it's impossible but i also can't say from experience it can be done either. (hence the pass off to hubu)

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I think there is nothing wrong with shoving fish in a tank that don't normally move about the reef. Most of the fish in our tanks only reaches a few inches and stay in a very small area in the wild. A yellow tang which covers large areas of reef and reaches a max size of around 8" is not a good candidate for a nano. It is a matter of cruelty IMHO. I am pretty sure you could keep one "alive" for a fairly extended period of time though.

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hey all,

thanx for the info. i will wait for HUBU's comments. the tangs is snall and will get him a bigger tank in 6 months...... that the time when it will need it.


recently i saw that the tang has got two white spots on his body ??? yes, it is ich............ hwt ais to be done ??? the water temp. is 24 degree celcius and the salinity is 1.022.......... rest all parameters are good.


thanx for the help.



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no, its not the two spots on the tail !!!



as the day is progressing, the ich is no longer visible....... hope it doesnot come back again.


the tang is nibbling at the turbo snails, i mean it it trying to eat the algae which is on the snail, but is taking no interest in the SEAWEED SHEETS ???

it takes the sheets it in its mouth and then spits it out and is not ......... not eating flakes or anything, but is grazing at the snails only........ is this fine and will it start eating the seaweed or is it something to worry about.


please advise...... thanx for the reply.




P.S. i am arranging for a bigger tank...... will be there in 4 - 6 months

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Keng Yew, Leong

Why not start a fuge to culture macroalgae.If it eats the algae from the snail's shell that means there's nothing wrong with it except for it being not use to life in captivity(not taking processed food).Well to keep a tang in a small tank...you will have to bend backwards to suit its' needs.And again...get a tang food fuge.

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hi keng,


you relieved me of my shocks, thanx a ton. yes. lets hope the fish is fine.


as you said that it is not used to processed food, yesterday it was eating the seaweed sheets like hell........... but it suddenly stopped eating it and today it is taking little interest in the sheets.


please adivise on how can i culture algae on the rocks using the simplest and the fastest method.


do you think that it will start eating the processed food if given time to it to settle down ???


and also, the sunken belly is a bit better toady, i mean its not as bad as it was yesterday. please advise.


thanx for the help all.



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Keng Yew, Leong

do you think that it will start eating the processed food if given time to it to settle down

Maybe.It depends on the fish.But as for yellow tang, they are quite OK at it.(i've even heard of some mandarin fishes taking frozen food,buts that's rare)


As for algae, you can culture caulerpa sp. algae.They grow fast under right conditions.(doubles its' amout weekly).Culture them in another tank or even better a refugium connected to this tank(I think I said that earlier...anyway repeating myself).Do a search on algae culturing.


If you think your tang is acting wierdly,why not do a water parameter check to ensure everything is fine.


By the way,I do not even have a tang.I'm still researching on how to keep one in a 25 gallon and collecting funds.But more like the latter.

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thanx for the reply.


the tang has started to eat the seaweeds.......... kool.


now as i was watching it, it passed out the POO that was all the seaweed in its stomach........ why did it come out the way it went in ??? is there any problem with the tang or this is normal ....... ??? or am i feeding too much ???


the temp is 24 degree celcius and the salinity is 1.022.......... rest all paras are good.


please let me know if i need to do anything more......... thanx a ton for the help.



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I rescued a Yellow tang from a friend who was moving. It is currently in my 10g nano. I have a larger tank which is in the cycling process. I will tell you first hand my tang is as happy as can be. He is small but seems to be very healthy and happy. He will eat anything I put in the water and even eat nori out of my hand. He was very nervous at first and would hide a lot and eat very little. My suggestion to you is to put a piece of the seaweed in the tank on a clip and leave it alone. My tang won't overeat. He eats a little here and there. Kinda like a cat. Leave the fish alone and stay away from the tank. Don't move quickly when you do walk by the tank. Don't stare at the tank etc. until he settles in. Once you see he is eating ok then slowly get more interactive with the tank. It sounds stupid but this is what I had to do with mine. Mine is buddy buddy with my Clarky clown now and they both swim side by side all day long. It is almost as if they play with each other. The Clarky chases the tang and vice versa. Not violently though. I also think it would be a good idea to start a fuge and feed the tang caulerpa. Mine absolutely loves grape caulerpa and when I prune I toss a small bunch in the tank for him. Good luck!

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well i guess now is the time to confess the sins of my newbie days... my first nano was a 5 gallon and i had an ocellaris clown and a baby blue hippo tang (highly, highly unadvised) when i first put him in the tank he got ich but, after i treated the ich they did well in there for about 6 months. then i noticed that the little guy did quite a bit of growing. my next tank was a 28 gallon via aqua glass bowfront. i moved my hippo to the 28 and the rest of the 5 gallon inhabitants into a 7 gallon aga bowfront. my blue hippo seems as happy as can be in the 28 though i dread the day i have to move him into a bigger tank, which is another reason i wouldnt advise putting a tang in a small tank. for now though he is buddies with my perc clown pair. sometimes it looks like he is hosting with them in their frogspawn. he likes to swim through tunnels and pick at the rocks. he is the healthiest looking hippo ive ever seen. his color is gorgeous. he has been in the 28 gallon for a year and a half now. ive become very attached to him and i think im gonna have to get a big tank eventually so he can be happy when he gets bigger.

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hey freakaccident and all,

thanx for the great info.


and thanx for letting me know that the small tangs will stay in small tanks till they out grow them. yes i am setting up a new tank within 6 months.


indian, the things like clips and good marine supplies are not available so things take time here.


as for gettin him used to the tank, freakaccident, i will follow your advise, instead i have been doing that.......... as we do a lot with the discus.......


yes it has started eating the seaweed.......... am happy and hope that he is also happy.


oh yeah, the yellow tang and the maldives clown have become friends and swim together, hide together and the clown also shares the tangs seaweeds....... !!!


one Q still remains un answered......... the tangs POOP was kindo the leafy seaweeds that he eats............ is it o.k......... or any trouble......... ??? the temp. that is best for him and the salinity also.


also please can you let me know how to treat ich in tangs ??? though he just has one spot this morning, but it is there and would go of by evening....... fingers crossed.


thanx for the great help all......



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today i had a closer look at the tang and white salt like dots donot appear to be on the body (this is what we call ICK.... right ??? ) just maybe one or two of them.


but the fish has errosions on the body ??? i looked with a magnifying glass and the body seemed to have small white dots (cannot make out because of the colour of the fish what it exactly is ???) on the body..... are they dots or the bubbles of the water, but they are stuck to the body .........


the tang is eating well and shows no sign of distress ??? water paras good.......


what could this be and how to cure it or it will get better with time ???


thanx for the help....



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