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Red Pods


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Is there any reason I should be concerned that my pods are red? The larger ones anyway. I just noticed a few of them scurry around the rocks and all 3 of the larger ones were red. Not a bright vivid red... But more of a maroon. Is that normal? I looked online for some pics but in the ones I viewed they were all white... :huh:

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I'm supposing amphiopod? They come in a pretty wide variety of colours :).


Yes... Anphipods... Thanks. It's the first time I noticed the red ones.


This new tank has greatly re-newed my interest in the hobby. Having kept saltwater on and off for the last 12 years I've forgotten what it was like with my freshwater tanks. I should have went nano years ago. Now I want to turn everything I have into a saltwater tank... lol. Can't wait for my 12 and 24 gallon nano cubes to get here.

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