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gluing polyps to hermits?


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hahah i was just wondering if its alright to glue some sort of polyp/zoa to a hermit to see what happens, does anyone see a problem with that?



to the shell ofcourse...

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Define pain.


I don't see a problem, except eventually the hermit may change shells and leave the polyps in the dark.


Hermits crawling around with polyps festooned on their shells = funny.

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Uh...wouldn't this really irritate the polyp and aren't they some of the most toxic of coral? I agree it would be funny to watch but the rest of your tank may not agree. :unsure:

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Uh...wouldn't this really irritate the polyp and aren't they some of the most toxic of coral? I agree it would be funny to watch but the rest of your tank may not agree. :unsure:


Mmmmmmmm just run carbon. I don't see a huge problem. My 2 cleaner shrimp trample my few polyps all the time :P

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lol. You could try some xenia on its shell.


What would be cool, is if you used barely any LR and had alot of hermits with the coral on them!



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I glued a monti cap piece to a snails back, and it parades around, but sometimes falls due to extra weight.

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That would be a sweet tank though. The corals would be in a different place every minute! lol


It would be a cool idea if you found some really big hermits.





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CG-I would just have no LR or just a little rubble along the back. Then find some big hermits and glue different corals on them. Then just get some empty shells and glues some to them too so when they move shells they will have something to move too.



Just an idea.


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