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Cultivated Reef

Id's Please


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Hey All,

Just noticed some wierd creatures growing, and movin along in my nano. Here goes:


There are these little white tube things growing all over my fuge. Don't have a clue what these are, and they have not spread to the main tank. My fuge does not get very much light at all, if that helps. See link to picture below(you can see the largest one's with the red circle around them). They appear to be some sort of filter feeder.



Also, there is this small orangish object that is crawling(very slowly) around my rocks. It started on one end of the rockwork and is now on the other side of the tank. It appears to have a small circle on the top of it, and appears semi transparent. Almost looks like a snail of some sort. Click below for an image:




Thanks for the ID's guys.

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The first picture isn't very good, but given your description and the general size and shape they apprear to be sponges.


The sencond is a keyhole limpet, while they will eat diatoms and algae, they mainly feast on hydroids and coral tissue.....so you probably want to get rid of it.

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Temecula Reefer

I have those same little white bastards all over my sump... they are even inside my skimmer... they are tiny, mabe an 1/8 inch and have an opening at the top with what looks like a fringe around the opening.. if thay are sponges, are they ok??

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