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C.U.C For a 10 gallon nano


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Well my 10gallon nano is still in its cycling process but I figured I should start thinking of my clean up crew. I wanted to get some scarlet shrimps and also some astrea snails and maybe 2 blue legged hermit crabs...Is that pushing the bio-load limit?



And if anyone else has ideas please share :)

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Scott Riemer

Consider getting a variety of snails to include Cerith and Nassarius. I've heard 1 snail per gallon is good depending, you probably don't want 10 Turbo snails because there big along with Astrea. I have a 24 gallon with 5 Cerith, 5 Nassarius, 3 hermit, 1 Astrea, 1 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp, and 3 unidentified snails that I believe are Ceriths but they are much bigger than the other 5. I think I need more snails so I'll probably add 3 more Nassarius and 2 more small Ceriths. The idea behind having a variety is they all do different things. For instance, the Nassarius borrough in the sand, while the Astrea never leaves the rocks, and the ceriths are on the rock and glass. Hope that helps some.

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