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anyone breed gobies?


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  • 2 weeks later...
no one eh? not one? no one has personally tried it?


Majority of nano owners aren't really into breeding. They're more in it for the viewing aspects. Sometimes fragging but more often than not simply purchasing said frags.


I'd love to breed clowns sometime. IME it seems fairly simple aside from obtaining said rotifiers. I breed(and have bred) some FW fish(right now have about 50 cichlid fry)and I got to say, once you get them on prepared foods it's hella easy. If more people attempted breeding fish than oh say...mandarins...may not be the holy grail for the marine fish keeper any longer ;). When babies learn to eat they don't seem to forget. Allready have some ideas for tank raising some easy things. Just sort of in limbo right now...anyone want to fund me? :P


It's really kind of sad that no one really cares about captive raising marine animals. Most people are content stealing it out of the ocean. To busy with corals or something?

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lol...remember...when you breed you're going to have a lot of fish as a result...you better have either a lot of tank space or a lot of customers :P


lol i bred bettas before...not a good idea...:P but hey, it's what got me back into fish :P

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formerly icyuodd/icyoud2

back in the day, i had a breeding pair of catalina gobies. there one of the easiest gobies to breed, however they like cooler waters (65-72) so most went to poor homes.


they died in the same penny disaster that killed of the rest of the aquarium (copper poisoning)


i wouldn't say i was breeding them, but they were breeding. :)

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lol...remember...when you breed you're going to have a lot of fish as a result...you better have either a lot of tank space or a lot of customers :P


lol i bred bettas before...not a good idea...:P but hey, it's what got me back into fish :P


Yeah I'm lucky ^_^, my big als will take babies off my hands when they are at a sell-able age.


As for breeding bettas...it ain't my thing! My fiancee wants to and I'm all like -_-. All those jars...ugh. And most stores that want bettas want a bunch of colours. Not black copper CT's(however pretty they are...).


Icy-oooo catalina breeding! Sounds righteous :) Love those little guys!

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i got tanks to spare... thats why i was thinkin goby breeder...

i expect a mortality rate so im not scared of having a million babies...

yeah ocean raping sucks....once they start taking stuff out it upsets the balance and cyno breaks out...just think a 5 mile long and wide cyno outbreak....not pretty....

im thinkin most of the "fiji" live rock is from the philipines and japan...

i may be wrong about this but i think the waters around fiji are protected...

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