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Coral Vue Hydros

Free Mantis (pending capture)


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Just pay the shipping.


I noticed that quite a few people are trying to get them and I have one that has to go.

I have no idea what kind it is, since I've only gotten a glimpse of him peeking out of the rocks.


I have a trap in the tank as we speak, but whether it works or not is yet to be determined.

If the trap doesn't work, I'm going to have to tear the tank down to get him, because he's already taken out my Blood red shrimp and a crab. :angry:


I can ship either via USPS or UPS, your choice of service.

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Just an update.


I tore everything out of the tank, right down to the substrate and didn't find him. I have about 3/4 of the live rock out of the tank in another container thinking he was somewhere in there, but much to my disappointment, he is still in the tank.

Now I'm working on taking out one rock at a time from what's still in the tank to narrow it down. Now it's to the point that I'm on a mission, so if I have to stay up all night, I'm going to get him.... ;)


fewskillz, you have first dibs if you want (if I get him), since you replied first. I'll keep you posted.

I can also take a photo of him (if I get him....) and post it.

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Just an update.


I tore everything out of the tank, right down to the substrate and didn't find him. I have about 3/4 of the live rock out of the tank in another container thinking he was somewhere in there, but much to my disappointment, he is still in the tank.

Now I'm working on taking out one rock at a time from what's still in the tank to narrow it down. Now it's to the point that I'm on a mission, so if I have to stay up all night, I'm going to get him.... ;)


fewskillz, you have first dibs if you want (if I get him), since you replied first. I'll keep you posted.

I can also take a photo of him (if I get him....) and post it.


Sweet! You can PM on here or email me, I'll PM you my email too.

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He came in with some coral attached to live rock (from the Doc's) about 3 - 4 weeks ago, but I'm not sure what kind of rock it is.


Now I'm not sure where he is. I set up a new tank to put the live rock in that I'm not sure about, since he became silent after trying them out one by one. I hope he's okay, and I'm sure he is, but just got smart after all of my activity.


I'll keep you posted.

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any update?


Yes finally... He had been silent for about 3 days, but now he's finally making noise again, and he's still in the main tank.... :angry:

I'm going to let him chill for about a week, then try a trap again. Right now there's no way he's going to fall for anything... ;)

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I looked at that article before and found his sense of humor quite amusing...

I did miss the part about them burrowing into the substrate, so maybe when I tore the tank down, he was just buried in the substrate watching me meticulously go over every rock laughing his little heart out....


Anyway, I made a bottle trap and am going to give it a try again, maybe tonight if I have the right bait.

I have an X-terminator trap, but it must not have been manufactured right because the trap door and trigger arm won't even reach each other, so there's no way I can get it to set.


I tried frozen mysis shrimp the last time to no avail. Does anyone have suggestions as to what might work better?

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  • 3 weeks later...
catch him yet?


I've had about 3 failed attempts now and have been letting him settle down a little in between tries, but I'm going to start again this week. I can't believe this monster is outsmarting me.... :o


In the mean time, he's growing and I'm seeing more of his claws methodically coming out to grab food when I feed...

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