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2.5g Nano advice


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Ive been discussing in other groups about how I am going to be setting up a nano soon, and I had 2 choices for tank size 10g and 2.5g. Many people said the 10g but a few said go with the 2.5g, and I stumbled upon this 2.5g discussion :)


I am looking for any advice and help and facts about maintaining a 2.5g. What all equipment I will need, about how much LR should I be getting, LS as well. Is it an OK place for a cleaner shrimp, lighting, how long to cycle, everything.


Tank, clean water, salt, heater, water mover( i have one of those clear plastic cube filter bubblers laying around used it on a fresh 10g for awhile, would that do?) rock, sand, and light, WHAT else do I need, what kind of testers?


Any and all available help advice, ANYTHING most appreciated, I need to sponge up all I can get. B) Thanks!

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my first saltwater tank is a 2.5 gallon and ive found it to be pretty easy so far. you just need a tank, heater, lights (i have the 18W current usa), filter (i have the ac20 and it works very well), something to test your salinity( hydrometer or refractometer), sand, salt, water, and rock. i got about 5 pounds of live rock and ended up wtih a couple pieces left over but i just use them to mount frags on now. i didnt use live sand, just the dry sand they sell at LFS's. im not too sure about the cleaner shrimp, i think skunks might get too big but somebody else will know better than me. everybodys cycle is different but i let mine go for about 4 weeks.

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Thanks for the reply, let me know how you tank goes. What heater did you get, I think Ill go with the same filter, but first what do you think of this one, its one of those clear cubes that you attach the bubble pump onto. Otherwise that will become my tank.. one day. I have a 14 watt in the lamp, Ill be looking for a refractometer and Ive found a place for some sand and rock and ill get the salt at the lfs. Do you know if distilled water is the type to use, or what? Thanks again.

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i got a 25w heater, i think its a neptune brand or something, the brand doesnt matter too much. im not quite sure what you mean by bubble pump, if you mean an air pump that puts out air bubbles i think those are frowned on because they might affect the pH. the filter is mainly used for water circulation. ive used distilled water and ro/di water, i dont think theres much of a difference. i jsut go for whats cheapest really.

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a walmart 10 gal rig w/ a good aqua clear filter, a cheapo powerhead and 2 coralife 50/50 is going cost around 60-75 new.......i dont know how much the 2.5gls in your area cost but here they are as much as a 10


a walmart 10 gal rig w/ a good aqua clear filter, a cheapo powerhead and 2 coralife 50/50 is going cost around 60-75 new altogether.......i dont know how much the 2.5gls in your area cost but here they are almost as much as a 10....


get both!!! -=}

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the 2.5g's here are $9.99 yep, but I already had one for a year or so that I got from goodwill for 50 cents. I just used it when I started a new tank in case something went wrong with a fish.


Question: I am going to have the aquaclear 20 and a visitherm heater with some lr, ls, 14w flourescent, salt and water..... am I going to need a powerhead, and what exactly are they for?

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am I going to need a powerhead, and what exactly are they for?
powerheads are just another name for (submersible) water pump. they were originally developed to be used with UGF's, sitting on top of the updraft tubes from the buried UGF ("head" part).


for us, they're a generic name to add additional flow. reef tanks typically need significantly more water flow than other types of aquariums (FW, SW-FO, SW-FOWLR, etc.).


distilled water is fine to use. it's my preferred type of source water but it gets expensive for me as i have other tanks besides the nanos. RO or RO/DI are much more affordable (probably <10% over the long run). but for a pico or small nano, distilled is fine imo. hth

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the powerhead is for water movement- Nix the air bubbler thingy and get a refractometer not a hydrometer


With only having a 2.5g tank - try and buy premixed water from your LFS or the ready made stuff off the shelf. It'd be a lot less work for yourself. Though you will need a source for RO/DI (or distilled) water to do topoffs (and salt mixing if you can't find premixed)


For testing, pickup one of those 5 in 1 saltwater test strip kits and 1 for ammonia too


You should also research ATO (Auto Top Off) systems - Your little tank (esp if you run open top) will evaporate - You want to keep your water params as stable as possible - ATO is probably one of the better ways



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i woudlnt recommend getting a powerhead in addition to the ac20. i have my ac20 on the lowest flow setting and it still provides plenty of movement.

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