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Tiger Pistol Shrimp/goby pairing


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Hey I was wondering about getting a Tiger Pistol shrimp and a goby. I have a couple of questions though. First off I have a 24G NC. Inhabitants include 2 peppermint shrimp (1 will go to another tank soon) 2 black n white clowns, sailfin blenny, blue linkia starfish. I have heard alot about them making their popping noise and it cracking glass or somethin like that. So is it safe to get one of these with what I have in my tank. Any opinions are greatly appreciated. Oh and what kind of goby would go good with a shrimp and has a personality? And neat looking? Thanks guys.



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Theoretically, they could crack glass.. but they would NEVER do it practically (no reason to.. apparantly they generate the power of a .22 calibre bullet or something with their claw) plus they chill in the burrow most the time.


Check out liveaquaria.com ..they actually talk quite a bit about pistols and gobies...


(Just my 2 cents.. I hear that the pistols get kinda lame after a while 'cause they never come out of the burrows so that you can see em.. just what I hear *shrug*)

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Theoretically, they could crack glass.. but they would NEVER do it practically (no reason to.. apparantly they generate the power of a .22 calibre bullet or something with their claw) plus they chill in the burrow most the time.


Mmmm I think you are getting pistols mixed up with mantis shrimp :)


I think you'll be okay with a pistol/goby. My personal favorite are yellow watchman gobies but there's lots of cool shrimp gobies.


check it out :



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i also like my yellow watchman goby a lot, a very handsome fish :). i have him with a tiger pistol shrimp, who i also like a lot.


i actually see them a lot in my tank. the pistol is always digging and clearing his holes, and the goby is outside the hole on look out.


the popping noise shouldn't deter you from buying a pistol shrimp. it is noticeable, but not loud enough to be annoying or distracting.

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For me, my neighbor, and 2 of my friends we all let it happen naturally. They paired on their own in time. My shrimp was aggressive and would pull the goby into his hole with him sometimes; it was hilarious! I got rid of them, since I didnt see them a lot. In my 5.5 it was too much bioload having a second fish that I couldnt see. My pair was a yellow watchman goby and a tiger pistol shrimp, and they were cool when I saw them though.

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Is there some kind of trick to get the pistol to come out more? I put a Randall's pistol in my tank hoping it would pair with my Yellow Watchman Goby, and I haven't seen it out of it's burrow since I put it in several weeks ago. Seems like inverts go MIA in my tank.

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I also have a yellow watchmen goby, who is my favorite. He's paired with a candy stripe pistol. At first, before they found each other, I never would see the pistol, but now hes always visible as long as the goby is standing guard. My goby has lots of personality as well as most watchmens, so i hear at least. If they dont pair at first be patient, mine took almost three weeks to pair. They will eventually find each other. Heres a pic of Mr. Stash and Grumpy in their new hole.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a tiger shrimp paired with my striped goby. The goby had been in the tank for two months and when I added the shrimp I put him close to the gobys' lair. They paired up in about 10 minutes and have been inseperable since. I see them all the time as the shrimp is always improving their burrow. Just make sure that your rock is well balanced on the bottom of the tank and not the sand because the constant excavation will cause your rock work to tumble, I learned this through experience!

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