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What Dremel Blade to use


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I was just wondering what dremel blade everybody uses to cut there hard corals with. I used a small space hacksaw to do my first ever frag on my frogspawn but I did not like how long it took. everything went fine but it took awhile to get through the skeleton.

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I've used kitchen sissors for my frogspawn kinda messy but I didn't get bone in my hair and it worked fine cuz their skeleton is mostly empty space, not as tight as say, a candy cane or thick acro.

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You need to use a diamond cutoff wheel for most stony corals, esp. if you are cutting through live rock. If you're fragging acans/micros, encrusting montis, the diamond wheel is a must have. For acros and thinner branching species (i.e. montis, glaxea...) wire cutters or just forceps will do better. The brown cutoff wheel supplied with standard dremels isn't precise enough to cut through without taking away too much stuff.

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I second that one, use the 1" diamond bit dremel saw blade, available at home depot, and it will cut nicely through frags like butter, for branching I use the baf coral shears, good stuff right there, although you can get cheaper ones in department stores as toenail cutters I think

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The Propagator

The best things to use are bone cutters for thin boney skeletons, and a 545 diamond cut off wheel for monti caps and none branching LPS.


Some have even used ban saws to cut thick LPS peices.

I dont recomend that though. Unless its a very expensive wet saw your gonna ruin your saw.

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