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Acrylic Cement


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Is your 5.5 acrylic? Will it be for display? If you are putting acrylic dividers into a glass tank, I'd stick with silicon. The stuff you were looking at looks like of like TAP version of Weldon 3 or 4 which are meant for acrylic to acrylic joints.



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I apologize for being unclear. The 5.5 is a glass tank. However, I am using the cemet to bond 2 peices of plexi-glass (from Home Depot) to make a "T". This will then be bonded the the glass tank with silicone, making 3 different chambers.


By the way, TAP and Weldon are made by the same company. It is on that same web site under "plastic adhesives". Is Weldon a better choice?


Thanks for you help.

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I dunno about better but i used tap's adhesive b/c it was cheaper. worked fine for me. you should probably get some practice pieces of acrylic because the bond does set rather quickly - also you need to get a needle squirting apparatus and just run the liquid along the line of the joint. I also tried weldon 16 gel, but that takes too long to bond.

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I just built a fuge using peices from TAP and that same cement. It is awesome. It bonds quickly but allows you a few seconds of give to make sure you have it just right. It makes a dam solid connection.

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