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NEw Oceanic Biocube setup


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Hello all...I got my 29 gallon biocube this past weekend with the stand and I got all the liverock and water from my friends already establised reef tank and I was just wondering if you can help me with some questions I have. Im familiar with reef tanks but being out of the hobby for 5 years, my memory needs some refreshing so here goes...


-when do i know that my tank is fully cycled and ok to add livestock?


-would you guys recommend a refugium with chaeto or a skimmer? If refugium, is it ok to start it now or should I wait untill my tank is cycled?


-should I use the carbon filter that came with the setup or should I trash that?


-what is a better powerhead that I can use instead of the stock powerhead?


Thanks in advance for anyone that takes the timeout to answer my questions. These are the first questions I have and dont worry there will be many more questions. ;) I am completely thrilled to get back into this hobby...Ive missed it so....




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The tanke is Cycled when all your nitrates nitrites etc spike nd drop

i would put like 3 damsels cheap fish to cycle it

u have to have something in there crapping to make it cycle

by adding live rock and stuff wehich u did will help it


I have a fuge in my middle chamber i took out all the bio ballalls


as far as power head i just use my stock one

when it goes out then ill replace it

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Hello all...I got my 29 gallon biocube this past weekend with the stand and I got all the liverock and water from my friends already established reef tank and I was just wondering if you can help me with some questions I have. Im familiar with reef tanks but being out of the hobby for 5 years, my memory needs some refreshing so here goes...


-when do i know that my tank is fully cycled and ok to add livestock?


{As you have used established water and rock you should have a minimal cycle as the only this that will need to come alive is the sand.}


-would you guys recommend a refugium with chaeto or a skimmer? If refugium, is it ok to start it now or should I wait until my tank is cycled?

I would wait for a bit but sure a fuge in the rear chamber couldn't hurt


-should I use the carbon filter that came with the setup or should I trash that?

some will say keep it for towards the end of your little cycle to help clean up the tank while others will just say toss it and float some live rock rubble in it chamber with your heater


-what is a better powerhead that I can use instead of the stock powerhead?

I would recommend dumping the stock pump and get one that is just more efficient and creates less heat.. some stock pumps and cause a 2 to 3 degree increase in heat


Thanks in advance for anyone that takes the timeout to answer my questions. These are the first questions I have and don't worry there will be many more questions. ;) I am completely thrilled to get back into this hobby...Ive missed it so.... Welcome back also i would check over at reefcenteral.com they are in the middle of a biocube explosion as well.




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looks good!


ONLY get the damsels if you plan on keeping them.

I learned the hard way how difficult they are to get out later.


I will start my cycle tomorrow or Friday (also 29g biocube) when my 45 lbs of LR arrives.

More than likely will toss in a small (1cm x 1cm) piece of shrimp cocktail to kick start things, and remove 2-3 days later.

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Thanks for the response you guys. Is there a better power head that I can get to replace the stock one or is it good enough? Also, how does the hydorflow work?

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