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GSPs burnig my Yellow Polyps?


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So I've had this group of Yellow polyps for 2 months or so. Everything is great with them. I added the GSPs 2 weeks ago and they have already doubled in mat size.


Up until yesterday no problems with them being so close together. This morning I noticed this polyp has been what looks to be burnt. If you notice in the pic, the ends look the same way hair does when it gets singed. The growth on the GSP mat has been right up next to the polyp for a few days now, but until yesterday none of the new gsp polyps were opening. Did I miss something in my readings...do GSPs sting?


This is the only YP that touches any part of the GSP mat, and it is the only YP to be showing any of the "burn" marks.



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Well...it is kind of a burn. It is a reaction to a chemical exudate, not a sting per se.


The polyp tentacles aren't damaged, they just aren't extended all of the way from the molestation from the GSP.


Both GSP and YP are pretty tough, they may reach an agreement without killing eachother. You may want to give it time and see what happens. You can alway prune the GSP back.

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GSP dosn't really engage in chemical warfare I don't believe... the only harm they can do is overrun something... although I suppose i could be wrong..

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i'm actually quite shocked those yellow polyps are taking any crap from those wussy gsp. ??? usually the dandelions scorch the all earth (or reef) in front of them. i agree with sj that it's probably chem-combat and they'll settle it among themselves. i'd bet on the yp's. : it may not look it now tho.

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Some corals emit exudates (like leathers), but many others cause irritation/damage upon contact only, like many coralimorphs, zooanthids, GSP.....in addition, contact will often stimulate corals to increase defense chemical production.

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in the better safe than sorry file...



I moved the whole rock the gsps were on, just incase.


The last thing I want is everything else in the tank to choose sides and then go thru a 3 month battle of attrition waiting for the other side to back down. My France... I meen Xenia is actually looking pretty good and I wouldn't want it to use it's only veto on this, and then be forced into a battle it wasn't whole hardily perpared to fight.


I run a pretty hard line tank ;)

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ill bet the GSPs will continue to spread and take over teh YP's. i put my vote on the stars. trim them back or they will take over

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