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corals,or no corals,that is the question


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i have 2x65w 50/50 lighting on my 55g. is there any corals i keep with this current lighting? comes out to about 2.3w/gallon. any help much appreciated!!???

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Without corals there is no reef. Without reef... no solace. Sure you can keep corals. Forget that watts per gallon rule. You can go wild with shrooms and zoanthids, which by themselves can make an awesome display. But truth be told, you can get away with most softies, and many LPS. What is in there now? What are your water params? And what equipment do you have?


Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he see. (anyone?)

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4"DSB, 60lbs. LR also running a Emperor 400 and a Seaclone 100,my water perams are: pH 8.4, ammonia-0, nitrAtes-10, nitrItes- 0, phosphates- 0-.1.

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Looks pretty good. If you're going to go reef, it would help to get those 'trates down. I assume this is a fish only tank, so you may have to cull the herd on the fish population. What's in there in terms of fish?

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Satch, would that be from Monty Python's 'The Holy Grail'?


What is your name?

What is your quest?

What is your favourite color?


Angel: I dont think thats too many fish for a 55gallon reef at all especially with 60 lbs. of LR. That amount of LR should provide ample filtration for 4 fish i dunno why your nitrates are high...how odl is the tank? I also agree with Satch.... that lighting scheme should be fine for quite a range of coral species to thrive. I say go for it. (after nitrate problem is taken care of)

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