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Pros and Cons fuge design


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Hi all,


I have to DIY my own fuge because my TruVu tank isn't compatble with any fuges out in the market. To tell you the truth i'm not a handy person and may loose body parts that doesn't grow back in the process.


I found this HOB fuge design that seems easy enough to make and I'm willing to attempt it. I'm thinking of making out of plexi or acrylic becaues of weight issues that I have.


I would like to know the pro and cons of it. It will be used to house macro algae, live rock and sand.

HOB Fuge Design




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"I'm thinking of making out of plexi or acrylic becaues of weight issues that I have." - Tigs


I dont understand how YOUR weight issues should affect the fuge's design (snicker snicker...)...

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SlimFast and Subway, weight issue are a thing of the past.


The weight concerns that I have is that my tank sits on my desk along with my computer monitor, concerned about that. Also this will be a hang-on back and I don't like the idea of the extra weight w/glass.

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If you are going to build the fuge anyway, why not just build it taller than the main tank and SET it behind the main tank and not hang it from it at all?

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Good idea Ice. It sure would make the fuge "safer". Personally I think most of those hang on/HOB filter type are two small be of much benefit. They are ok for hiding a heater and adding some circulation.

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That would be cool Iceberg. Actually making the fudge taller is a great idea. I really suck at DIY and I don't have the tools to do it myself. i'm probably gonna have to take it some where to have them cut and drilll for me

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