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Stocking my 55 gallon


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My 55 gallon, almost done cycling is 36''L 18''W and 20''H and im almost ready to start stocking it, heres my list


-2 yellow chromis (already have)

-1 flame angle (hopefully how are they with corals?)

-1 mandarin

-1 firefish

-1 randall's goby(to pair up with a pistol shrimp)

-2 clarkii clowns

-1 royall gramma (if you think this is too much fish this is the first to go


Im also open to any other reef safe suggestions NO TANGS PLEASE MY TANK IS TOO SMALL!


thanks, :D

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I would nix the mandarin, at least for 6 months or so while your tank matures and breeds a healthy pod population. Flame angel is maybe ok, all dwarfs can be questionable, but I've read if you keep them fed they tend to do better. I almost bought an eibli angel today for my 40, but wanted to do more research. Goby, clowns, chromis are all good, as is the firefish. Lots of people on here seem to not like royal grammas, ask fish freak about that. I would look into maybe adding a blenny, I have a tailspot, lots of color, personality, really a great fish. If you wait maybe a month or two for the algae to get going you could add a tailspot, bicolor, algae, black sailfin, or really any blenny. Also, Flasher wrasses are in, if your tank is covered would be a great way to go.


Good luck, keep us posted



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Yeah, wait a little bit on the mandarin (or seed your pod population to speed it up a bit). Flame angels are a luck of the draw, some are nice to corals, others not so much. I'm sure being well fed does come into play with them.

Some people don't like grammas because they CAN be skittish and hide a lot, particularly in a larger tank you may not see him much. Again, this is an individual fish thing...the same could be said for firefish and most people love them. I have 2 purples that only come out to eat >:(

Just make sure to get the clowns either mated or very young.

None of those fish are very big, so I don't think you'd be considered overstocked if that was you main question.

Personally, as a suggestion, I love the perma-grumpy look of my yellow watchman goby and he's got a pretty good personality. Really aggressive towards food though....he attacks my turkey baster because he knows mysis come out of it for the sun coral :)

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i here clarkii fish can be agressive with other fish. i have one in my 55g with 2 tangs, royal gramma, damsel, 2 cardinals. y not get like 2 pecular clowns or something? i like those a lot.

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i here clarkii fish can be agressive with other fish. i have one in my 55g with 2 tangs, royal gramma, damsel, 2 cardinals. y not get like 2 pecular clowns or something? i like those a lot.


Because everyone has perculas, i want something different.

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Do you know what you're getting into when you get a mandarinfish? Lots of people get mandarins and kill them because they are ignorant of how hard to keep mandarins are. I myself have two and I have them in a 2 and a half year old 125 gallon tank. And I still occasionally add live pods. If you take time to learn how to take care of them, they can be a beautiful and lively addition to your tank. Also if you get the 2 clarkii clowns, they are fairly aggressive and might harrass and/or compete with the mandarin for food.

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  • 4 weeks later...

mandarins are actually VERY easy to get to eat frozen food. i get about 6 a month in at my store, and every single one has left eating mysis/brine. all you have to do is soak the food in garlic guard and make sure it gets in front of them. it's definitely important to have an established system in larger tanks where it's harder to get food to the slow moving mandarins, but in smaller tanks it's not too hard to feed them enough. you just have to monitor water quality due to the quantity of food it takes to maintain healthy body mass.

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  • 1 month later...
mandarins are actually VERY easy to get to eat frozen food. i get about 6 a month in at my store, and every single one has left eating mysis/brine. all you have to do is soak the food in garlic guard and make sure it gets in front of them. it's definitely important to have an established system in larger tanks where it's harder to get food to the slow moving mandarins, but in smaller tanks it's not too hard to feed them enough. you just have to monitor water quality due to the quantity of food it takes to maintain healthy body mass.

No offense, but nada. Mandarins need tons of pods to survive. Frozen food is a supplement, not a staple food. Who the heck told you that??

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