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Pod Your Reef

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Hello all,


I just joined this group this morning because I want (need) the advice of experienced reef aquarists before I begin.


I have some ideas about a reeftank and refugium setup and I guess I'm wondering if anyone here would be willing to take the time to critique my ideas and to offer helpful advise as I do not wish to waste anyone's time. Is there a way here to post rude sketches of my ideas?


Im more interrested in keeping various invertebrates than fish and I am just as interested in the goings on in the refugium as the coral tank.


I've kept freshwater aquaria for more than 30 years and have become quite successful with my biotope type tank communities. However, the "otherworldish" nature of the reeftank thrills me more.


Cheers for now,


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This forum allows you to post pictures. If they are on your computer you can attach them in a post if they fit the criteria in the attch file part of the posting section (size, format).


I'm sure someone will be willing to help you figure out your tank set up.

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